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Beijing Haidian District Police Arrest Several Falun Dafa Practitioners

Oct. 24, 2003

October 11, 2003


The following practitioners were arrested from their homes on September 20, 2003. Police from the Haidian District Police Station arrived with a collaborator* and ransacked all of their homes.

Dr. Shen Yingbo, 43, is a professor at Forestry University. He is the Director of his Department, and an outstanding scholar ranked number one in publishing academic articles for the university. He is also the assistant for the Falun Dafa Forestry University practice site. He has frequently been held in the detention center and in brainwashing sessions.

Dr. Zhang Wenge, 34, is an associate professor at the Agricultural University of China. He is an outstanding young scholar, and the University's primary research scientist. He also assisted with the Falun Dafa practice site at Forestry University. He has been detained in Beijing Tuanhe Labor Camp twice.

Ms. Tan Fang, wife of Dr. Zhang Wenge, is a graduate of Political Legal University, and an employee of a foreign enterprise.

Ms. Zhou Xiangyuan, 32, is a graduate of the Agricultural University of China, and is also an employee of a foreign enterprise. In April 2000 she was sentenced to one year of forced labor in the Beijing Women's Prison.

Ms. Qin Wei, 41, is a graduate of Central Craft Art University. She teaches at 8.1 Middle School and was sentenced to one year forced labor in the Beijing Tuanhe Labor Camp, with an extension of an additional half year.

* Collaborators are former Falun Gong practitioners who have turned against Dafa due to brainwashing and torture.