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Latest News From China - 10/11/2003

Oct. 24, 2003


[Laiwu City, Shandong Province] People Involved in Persecuting Falun Gong Are Shocked by Truth-Clarifying Phone Calls From Outside China

Recently, practitioners outside China started to clarify the truth of Falun Dafa to people at the Laigang Steel Group, which aroused a great shock inside the group. People involved in persecuting Dafa practitioners are very panicked. They attempted to find out the source of these phone calls, but to no avail. It has become a heated topic among everyday people, who spread the news and chat a lot about it.

(Before October 1, one person out of every hundred in the Group was picked out to form a patrol team, working the residential area of the Laigang Steel Group. They examined every stranger they met, searching for Falun Gong practitioners. )

[Xinjin County, Sichuan Province] Current Situation in the Brainwashing Class

Mr. He Yongming, 32 years old, is a high school teacher from Xihe Town, Chengdu City. The "610 Office" in Longquanyi District detained him in the Dayan Forced Labor Camp in Ziyang because he went to Being to appeal for Falun Gong in 2000. On October 28, 2001, he was released and came back to the school. The school didn't allow him to see anybody at all. In late April 2003, the "610 Office" of Chengdu City forcibly abducted him again and detained him in the brainwashing class in Xinjin County (it is known to the public as the Legal Education Center).

Five more practitioners were illegally abducted and detained in the brainwashing class as well. They are:

Mr. Jia Tianming, an advanced employee from the provincial electric system of Sichuan Province;

Mr. Luo Yousheng, an exemplary worker from the Airplane Repairing Plant;

Mr. Fan Haidong, an employee from Hongguang Electronic Pipe Plant and one of the "ten outstanding young men" in Sichuan Province;

Mr. Zhu, from the provincial Cotton & Textile Plant;

Mr. He Yongming, from the provincial Cotton & Textile Plant

It is said that both the municipal financial department and the practitioners' work units would pay the huge expense to hold brainwashing classes. In the brainwashing class, one practitioner is constantly watched over by two people, including during meals and when going to the washroom. Practitioners are forced to watch video programs defaming Falun Dafa. They are interrogated and harassed endlessly until they write the so-called "three statements of guarantee" [to give up Falun Dafa]. They are not allowed to meet anybody at all. Recently, He Yongming wrote the so-called "statements" against his will. After he came back to his school, he still didn't have any personal freedom, so he had to leave his home and become destitute. The Longquanyi District "610 Office" has put up a wanted notice with a reward of 60,000 yuan for his capture.

People and parties involved in the brainwashing class (the so-called Legal Education Center):
Li Feng, director
Yang Shaobing and Deng Hui, vice directors
Li Zhixin, Li Licheng, Cai Zhezhi, and Yin Xunyao, members of the brainwashing class
Phone number of the Longquanyi District "610 Office": 86-28-84869610
Li Hao, Party Secretary of the "610 Office"
He Xinwen, director of the "610 Office"
Phone number of the Longquan Public Security Branch: 86-28-84853044

[Laiwu City, Shandong Province] More Information and Correction about Practitioner Liu Xiangrong Being Persecuted

Mr. Liu Xianrong, an employee at the Panxi Coal Mine of Laiwu City, was arrested early in the morning of September 2, 2003. Wang Delin from the Security Section of Panxi Coal Mine illegally arrested him at home. Later, Mr. Liu was sentenced to forced labor and detained in the Wangcun Forced Labor Camp in Zibo City.

According to our investigation, Liu Xianrong went to Beijing twice to peacefully appeal for Dafa since the persecution began in 1999. He has been illegally detained five times. For the first two times, he was detained in the Security Section of Panxi Coal Mine over 40 days. Then he was detained in the Laiwu Detention Center twice for 60 days. He has had over 7000 yuan extorted from him [equally to the average annual income of an ordinary worker in China-by translator]. His home has been illegally searched twice. His father's phone is being tapped, and his father is being monitored. Currently, Liu Xianrong's family is in a very bad financial situation. His father is old and sick, and his wife is unemployed. She is raising their little son without any income.

When Liu Xianrong's family members visit him at the Wangcun Forced Labor Camp, they are not allowed to see him. Presently, Liu Xianrong has been cut off from the outside totally. We don't know his current situation at all.

Relevant phone numbers:
Lu Guangming, president of Panxi Coal Mine, 86-634-6055111 (office);
Wang Shizhong, Party Secretary, 86-634-6055112 (office);
Office number of the Security Section: 86-634-6055224;
Wang Jialian, director of the Security Section: 86-634-6055612 (home);
Wang Delin, vice director of the Security Section: 86-634-6055234 (home);
Li Chuanyong, Party Secretary, 86-634-6055157 (home);
Yan Linli, clerk, 86-634-6057379 (home)

[Benxi City, Liaoning Province] Practitioner Liu Guoxin Is Again Illegally Detained in Forced Labor Camp

Mr. Liu Guoxin from Niuxintai of Benxi City was illegally sentenced to forced labor for practicing Falun Dafa. After his release, he was reported because he persisted in determinedly practicing Dafa. On April 5, 2003, police from the Niuxintai Police Substation forcibly arrested him while he was at home. At the police substation, they employed brutal means of torture to extort a confession from him. His home was searched at the same time, and later he was sentenced to three years of forced labor. Currently he is being detained in the Weining Forced Labor Camp in Benxi City. His wife has amnesia and cannot walk, nor can she take care of herself.

[Beijing City] Falun Dafa Practitioner Liu Chunshu from Qianjiadian of Yanqing County Is Sentenced to Two Years of Forced Labor

[Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Police in Wafangdian Prison Persecute Falun Dafa Practitioners

Police from the Core Training Team at Wafangdian Prison are persecuting over twenty Falun Dafa practitioners using brutal means of torture. We were only able to find out two practitioners' current situations:

Junior Su, from Shenyang City, is being seriously tortured.

Gao Hui, from Dengta City, has become extremely emaciated and pale, and is unable to get up and take care of himself due to torture. His family members were not allowed to visit until recently, but he remains very firm in his belief. [Note: We are unable to determine with the information we currently have whether Gao Hui is a man or a woman.]

People directly responsible for the persecution: director Yang and director Li

Phone numbers of Wafangdian Prison:

Directors of the Prison:

Shu Shi, 86-411-5676618
Zhang Xueyin, 86-411-5676999
Chu Xinwei, 86-411-5676168
Pu Shengjun, 86-411-5676666, 86-411-5676966, 86-411-5676866
Liu Sengzeng, 86-411-5676818
Chang Guoyao, 86-411-5676688
Yu Guocai, 86-411-5676568

Offices of the Prison:

Director's office, 86-411-5676600, 86-411-5676680
Office, 86-411-5676660

The Executive Department of the Prison:

Director's office, 86-411-5676630
Office, 86-411-5676631

The Supervision Department of the Prison:
Director's office, 86-411-5676634
Office. 86-411-5676403
Zhang Zhewen, 86-411-5676899
Xie Shurong, 86-411-5676998
Zhao Jianwei, 86-411-5676699
Zang Muhan, 86-411-5676799
Li Zhengmei, 86-411-5676998
Wan Xincai, 86-411-5676898