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ABC Regional Online, Australia: Lawyer airs China censorship concerns

Oct. 24, 2003

October 23, 2003

A Gold Coast lawyer whose client claims she was tortured in China says he is disturbed by reports that the Chinese embassy has asked Australian newspapers not to print material that could disrupt the Chinese President's visit to Australia.

Chris Nyst was commenting on a newspaper report that the embassy had emailed news organisations, warning against printing letters or political advertisements from anti-China forces.

Mr Nyst is representing a Sydney woman who claims she was tortured and persecuted in China after practising the discipline, Falun Gong.

"What I am concerned with is China's appalling human rights record, and I am very concerned to ensure that our press and I feel very sure that our press will not be influenced by this, but more particularly our Government will not be influenced by any attempt to muzzle criticism or discussion of these issues," he said.
