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Benxi Police Fail to Re-Arrest a Falun Gong Practitioner Just Released From Serving An Unlawful Prison Term

Oct. 25, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net) Recently, a Falun Gong practitioner from Liaoning Province, Mr. Jiang Hulin, was released from Dabei Prison. Upon stepping out of the prison gate, Jiang was stopped by the Benxi City police in front of his family members. The attempt to re-arrest him failed after Jiang's family members and other people who were at the scene strongly protested.

Mr. Jiang Hulin was recently released from the Dabei Number Two Prison after serving a full sentence. On the day of his release, Jiang Hulin walked out of the prison gate and was greeted by his family members who were ready to take him home. Suddenly, a police car blocked the road. The police officers told the family that they "cared about" Mr. Jiang and would like to escort him home. Then they forced him into the police car. Seeing through the lies, the family members blocked the car and told the police, "He has served a full sentence and has been released. He is a free citizen. You have no right to arrest him again."

Before long, about one hundred people gathered at the site. People all felt that this was unfair. The standoff lasted for about an hour. A police officer dialed Shenyang City 110 (similar to 911) and reported, "Some people have attempted to intercept the police car in front of the prison." Soon the 110 hotline police officers arrived with handcuffs. Jiang's family members explained the situation. The 110 hotline police officers said, "We cannot decide this case, but we will consult with the higher authorities. You can't block the prison entrance like this." Following the 110 police car, the local police and family members went to another place. The 110 police called the city political and judiciary committee office and asked for directions. The answer was in favor of Mr. Jiang. After that, the local police let Mr. Jiang go.