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Texas State Representative Ruth Jones McClendon Congratulates the Southern USA Falun Dafa Conference [October 12, 2003]

Oct. 25, 2003


Texas House of Representatives

Ruth Jones McClendon

State Representative, District 120

October 12, 2003

Members, Falun Dafa


On behalf of the citizens of San Antonio, and especially House District 120, I congratulate you on "Falun Dafa Day." I wish to extend to you our best wishes for a peaceful and fulfilling conference in Houston on the occasion of the 7th anniversary of Falun Dafa being introduced into the United States.

We are aware that Falun Dafa or Falun Gong is a system of exercises and teachings which seeks to reduce stress, improve health, and encourage peace of mind. I commend you for your mentoring activities and for promoting honesty, empathy, kindness, and patience. The qualities of peacefulness and harmony, which you encourage, are qualities much needed in our world today.

We hope you will have an enriching and memorable conference. We trust you will remember the past, enjoy the present, and plan for the future.


Ruth Jones McClendon

State Representative, House District 120

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