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Jiang Zemin's Persecution of Falun Gong is a Persecution of the Human Conscience

Oct. 26, 2003 |   By Qiqi

(Clearwisdom.net) October 22, 2003 report: The persecution against Falun Gong and Falun Gong practitioners is different from any other persecution in human history. It is an unprecedented brutal persecution against the conscience of the whole human race. Jiang used "the most base actions ever in human history--whether ancient or modern, Chinese or foreign--and employing all the most malicious means to persecute Dafa and its cultivators" ("Coercion Cannot Change People's Hearts," Essentials for Further Advancement II) to force the practitioners to give up their belief in Truth-Compassion-Tolerance. Through coercion and enticing them with financial advantages, Jiang's group forces government officials and police to join in their crime. They use threat and interest, and the implication strategy to force the whole society to betray their conscience and assist the evildoers. Jiang even gave up Chinese territory and tremendous Chinese market considerations in exchange for the international society to keep silent in the face of the genocide that is taking place in China. A few countries even assisted the perpetrators inadvertently.

The whole persecution is based upon lies. Jiang used the whole government machinery to create lies and news reports, movies, TV series and articles to slander Falun Gong. They even staged the Tiananmen Square "Self-Immolation" Incident to demonize Falun Gong. They launched large-scale brainwashing activities throughout China and attempted it even in the whole world by buying out overseas Chinese media. They try to ruin Falun Gong's reputation. They instigate hatred in the Chinese people in China and abroad. Their purpose is that all people, including government officials, employees of the legal, judicial and public security system, officials in overseas Chinese consulates would participate in the persecution, at work and in daily life, consciously or unconsciously. They even encourage friends and family members to turn against their loved ones who practice Falun Gong.

This villainous group uses the most cruel tortures ever invented in human history--whether ancient or modern, Chinese or foreign--and employs them to destroy Falun Gong practitioners' willpower and mental integrity; to force the practitioners to give up their belief and go against their conscience.

These perpetrators inject the practitioners with drugs that destroy the central nervous system. They also use electrocution to force people to give up their belief while their mind is not clear. Those people who gave up their belief sometimes have to live with guilt and anguish for the rest of their lives, something resulting from unwillingly giving up their belief.

The perpetrators use violence, torture, sleep deprivation in brainwashing classes, in addition to forcing the practitioners to view Dafa-slandering TV programs; they order collaborators [former Falun Gong practitioners who have gone astray due to torture and brainwashing], some weak-willed people, or those who were not clear on Fa principles were "reformed" under the pressure for their own ends.

The wife of practitioner Lin Chengtao was "reformed." She wrote a letter to a labor camp authority in which she proposed ideas how to use torture to "reform" Lin Chengtao. The authorities forced Lin Chengtao to read his wife's letter repeatedly until he had a mental breakdown. The "reform" twists human nature and destroys one's conscience; it even creates the disaster of persecuting one's beloved ones.

The persecutors rape female practitioners and use various base means of sexual assault to trample their most cherished modesty as women, in order to force them to give up their belief and conscience.

They use implication to force the practitioners' family members to sell their soul, divorce their husband or wife, kick their husband or wife out of the home, and some even help the police or government officials to deceive and send their beloved ones to brainwashing classes and mental hospitals.

The perpetrators threaten police officers and government officials with lay-offs and entice them with high monetary rewards to force them to earn political credits at the cost of innocent people's blood and life. The whole government machinery degenerated into Jiang's personal tool to persecute Falun Gong.

They financially cut off Falun Gong practitioners by illegally firing them from their jobs. They impose large amounts of fines on the practitioners and illegally take away their properties to plunge them into extremely difficult living conditions. This caused some practitioners to give up their belief. At the same time, local government officials and "610 Office" workers as well as police officers actively participated in the persecution to obtain considerable monetary rewards, or they get rich by looting the practitioners' property, which further destroys these public officials' conscience and push them further on the criminal path during this persecution.

Jiang's regime conceded financial interests and sold the Chinese territory to certain foreign government(s), so officials of these countries betrayed their conscience and the Western principles of human rights and freedom of belief, by which they usually abide. They keep silent in the face of genocide that is taking place in China right now; a few countries, perhaps inadvertently, even assisted the evildoers.

There are tremendous financial opportunities presented by the present Chinese market economy, they use this financial bait to control foreign companies, many of which give up their conscience and convince their governments to keep silent regarding the genocide that is taking place in China. A few foreign companies even require their employees to sign a so-called guarantee statement to give up Falun Gong practice. Either they sign the statement or they are fired.

Jiang advocates the motto "shut your mouth and get rich." He invites chief editors, editors and journalists of overseas media to visit China and win them over with investment deals. These media who are known for bold reporting and reports on scandals gave very limited coverage on this historically unprecedented persecution. For overseas Chinese media, the villainous group buys, invests or sends people to work for these media, so they gradually became overseas spokesmen for Jiang's villainous group. For some media such as BBC that bravely expose the truth about the persecution, the villainous group blocks their website or threatens that the publication of that media in China will be banned. That is why the overseas media community became quiet.

Jiang Zemin's son Jiang Hengmian controls China's Internet. Other than tens of thousands of web-monitoring police officers who monitor Internet activities around the clock, Web cafe owners are also forced to install software that filters out "sensitive" information; sometimes they even have to report "violators" against their conscience. Even overseas Internet such as Yahoo! and Hotmail were forced to "self-discipline" according to Jiang group's rules. This resulted in the arrest of political dissidents and Falun Gong practitioners whose online activities were monitored.

Jiang also promises heads of overseas Chinese communities and student organization leaders with favorable investment deals in China, monetary support and sponsorship of school activities, which caused some people to interfere with Falun Gong practitioners' social and school activities against their conscience. Some accomplices even beat Falun Gong practitioners in public in foreign countries.

The incidents of persecution against the human conscience are too numerous to count, yet they are taking place right now in China and around the world.

Falun Gong practitioners hold peaceful appeals around the world, clarify the truth and file lawsuits against Jiang's villainous group, not only because they hope to end this brutal persecution, but because they also want to save these government officials, police officers and other people who joined in the persecution from certain doom. Falun Gong practitioners follow the principles of Truth-Compassion-Tolerance, and with peaceful and rational actions, tremendous endurance and sometimes at the cost of their lives, they call for justice, morality and conscience in the human world.