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Summary of Other Articles and News -- 10/19/2003

Oct. 26, 2003


Truth about the Persecution

Since July 20, 1999, the ruffians in Qianjiang City, Hebei Province have aided Jiang in the persecution of Dafa practitioners. Although we can only approximate, we found that since July 20, the criminals in Qianjiang City have concocted a number of ploys and different methods to illegally collect fines totaling 125,440 Yuan [Chinese currency, the monthly salary for an average Chinese urban worker is about 500 Yuan], illegally detained 73 practitioners and forced 2 practitioners to become destitute and homeless. They have harmed many families. Recently, these devious people have again kidnapped four Dafa practitioners and taken them to brainwashing classes. As if this was not enough, they threatened to organize two more brainwashing classes.

Practitioners Exchange Insights

The computer took charge and urged me to clarify the truth: My cultivation state was not doing so well during the past few days. I took the easy way out. Over the past few days I turned on my computer, set the automatic mode to send out truth telling messages and fell asleep. To my surprise, my computer went on strike one day. A message was displayed on the monitor: "Unable to detect the mouse." I decided to reboot my computer a few times. Every time the same message appeared. I then calmed down and took a good look inside myself. It suddenly came to me that I had during the past few days set the computer into a programmed mode, which told the computer to send out truth telling material. I had not gotten personally on the web to clarify the truth. I understood that the computer was trying to give me the message that I had to personally clarify the truth. I should not rely on the computer to deliver the message automatically. Once I understood, I said: "Thank you very much! From now one I will clarify the truth diligently and will not be lazy again." Naturally, when I restarted my computer, everything was back to normal.

News from China

China Dafa practitioner: I am sixty-seven years old. I was diagnosed with cerebral thrombosis, diabetics, and pyelitis sometimes around 1992. Despite many treatments I did not recover and was close to being paralyzed. After I attained Dafa and began to cultivate, a miracle occurred. All my sicknesses disappeared. I no longer felt tired after a hard day of work, rinkles became fewer, I became very calm and composed, and my mentality changed for the better. I felt that I had become physically more like a 30 year old. Unfortunately, on July 20, 1999, Jiang Zemin instigated this inhuman cruel persecution of Falun Gong and Falun Gong practitioners. The depraved people kept coming to my house to arrest me. I am since 18 months destitute and homeless.