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Moving Mountains is Easy Compared to "Transforming" Steadfast Dafa Disciples

Oct. 27, 2003


In this evil and insane persecution, many Dafa disciples have been arrested, tortured, sent to forced-labor camps, sentenced to jail terms, and even murdered. In several years, Dafa disciples have steadfastly walked through the ordeal and are doing better and better with rationality and wisdom.

This past September, 7 to 8 policemen tricked their way into the home of a 60-year-old practitioner and dragged her downstairs. The practitioner told them loudly: "People who practice Falun Gong are all good people, Falun Dafa is good! It is sinful to arrest good people and you will meet with karmic retribution. Let me go." As the policemen made their way to the car, the practitioner's husband hurried back home upon hearing her voice. He told them: "My wife practices Falun Gong to be a good person. She is kind to the family, to the neighbors, and she does very well in every aspect. Let her go!" Her neighbors on the scene also said: "This old lady is a good person. You will not arrest her..." The policemen had to release the practitioner.

One night around 9 PM, a 57-year-old practitioner was dragged away by the police from the Department of State Security. He was sent to a detention center and then transferred to the brainwashing center. He was forced to sit on a metal chair for 12 days, even though there was a long, wide gash on his leg from a beating. The police wanted to sentence him to prison. He was steadfast in his belief in Dafa and staged a hunger strike for 7 days. He became very weak, even though he had been very healthy before, so the police had to send him to a hospital for emergency rescue. His family members were shocked when they saw his condition, yet this practitioner was in very good spirits. He clarified the truth of the persecution against Dafa at the detention center, the brainwashing center, and the hospital. Later he was released back home on medical parole.

Another practitioner absolutely refused to write the repentance statement [In this statement the practitioner is forced to admit remorse for practicing Falun Gong, promise to give up Falun Gong, and never again associate with other practitioners or go to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong] although she was under repeated pressure from her place of work. As a result, she was not allowed to keep her original work and she still did not write the statement of repentance. Eventually she was abducted to a brainwashing center. Wherever she went, she kept sending forth righteous thoughts and reciting the Fa. She also clarified the truth to the people who were in charge of the brainwashing center. When it was mealtime, she refused to eat. After two days, she could not move. She was sent to a hospital and her work place assigned four people to watch her. After a few days, she still did not write any statements. Her work place had to announce that they had given up, and this practitioner returned home.