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Clarifying the Truth of the Persecution of Falun Dafa through Rescue Efforts, Taipei Minghui School Practitioners Participate in Signature Collecting Activity (Photos)

Oct. 30, 2003 |   By Taiwan Falun Dafa practitioners

(Clearwisdom.net -- October 29, 2003)

[Editor's note: With help from the people of all walks of life in Taiwan and practitioners around the world, Mr. Lin Hsiao-Kai has been released and returned to his home in Taiwan on October 28.]

To rescue Lin Hsiao-Kai and other Taiwanese practitioners detained in China, Taipei Minghui School young practitioners collected signatures during their group practice on October 26 at the Zhongzheng Memorial.

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There were many visitors in the memorial in the weekend. Many people had learned about the illegal detention through newspapers and TV.. They realized that the Jiang Regime's illegal detention of Taiwanese Falun Gong practitioners was a serious violation of Taiwan people's basic human rights and signed their names to show their support.

The activity concluded successfully in the evening. Many people actively signed their names in support. All wished the safe return of detained practitioners.