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Los Angeles: Falun Gong Practitioners Call for Release of Detained Taiwanese Practitioners; Taiwanese Organizations Show Support (Photos)

Oct. 30, 2003 |   By Los Angeles Falun Gong Practitioners

(Clearwisdom.net - October 29, 2003)

[Editor's note: With the help of people from all walks of life in Taiwan and practitioners around the world, Mr. Lin Hsiao-Kai has been released and returned to Taiwan on October 28.]

On October 25, Los Angeles Falun Gong Practitioners held a press conference in front of the Chinese consulate calling for the unconditional release of Taiwanese Falun Gong practitioner Lin Hsiao-Kai who was secretly detained in China while visiting friends in Shanghai. The Overseas Taiwanese Association and Overseas Chinese Democracy and Peace Coalition were also present to support. The case of Lin Hsiao-Kai's secret detention caused major media in Taiwan, the Taiwan government and overseas Chinese to pay close attention to this matter as in unfolded.

Mr, Li Mutong of the Overseas Chinese Democracy and Peace Coalition read a statement Ms. Xie Xinling,a volunteer representative of Falun Gong practitioners hosts the press conference Mr. Chen Wenshi of theOverseas Taiwanese Association speaks

Ms. Xie Xinling, representative of Falun Gong practitioners hosted the press conference. In the media statement, she said, "Lin Hsiao-Kai was secretly detained for two weeks just because he is a Falun Gong practitioner." She said, "Under the same blue sky, Falun Gong a practice that teaches truth compassion tolerance is welcomed in over 60 countries and has made 100 million people become healthy and good people with a high moral standard. It is unacceptable that the Jiang regime persecutes good people. Here we strongly call on the Chinese government to respect Taiwanese people's right to freely travel, have the freedom of belief and unconditionally release Lin Hsiao-Kai and other detained Falun Gong practitioners." Xie Xinling also mentioned that Lin's case was not isolated case. Before him five other Taiwanese Falun Gong practitioners were arrested and imprisoned in China.

Xia Xinling especially introduced the growth of Falun Gong in Taiwan. She said that in Taiwan, no matter whether in airports or in public transportation, in streets or scenic attractions, people often can see large posters containing the Falun Dafa principles Truth Compassion Tolerance. Many counties and cities' Education Department hold Falun Dafa Study Camps for the teaching staff. Teachers can accumulate credits while attending the camps. When they returned to their school, they brought the beauty of truth compassion and tolerance to their students. Many teachers said that their students studied much harder after cultivating Falun Gong and became good students with high moral standards. She believed that all the kind people in the world will make their efforts to stop the brutal persecution happening in China.

Chen Wenshi of the Overseas Taiwanese Committee expressed that the fundamental reason that Jiang Zemin suppressed Falun Gong was that he was so afraid of people united together. It is because of Jiang's mentality that he and his followers are so bad and thus afraid of the people. He said that actually letting people practice Falun Gong freely and cultivate their hearts is the right way for the democratic country.

Mr, Li Mutong of the Overseas Chinese Democracy and Peace Coalition read a statement on behalf of the coalition calling for the unconditional release of Lin Hsiao-Kai and other detained Falun Gong practitioners.. He expressed that through this case he hoped more people could realize that in a dictatorship people's safety and lives are not protected. He further expressed that China was not heaven for investors. He knew many Taiwanese businessmen who lost all their investment and returned to Taiwan after being cheated.

(Update: Through the concerted rescue efforts of Falun Gong practitioners in Taiwan and around the world, Lin Hsiao-Kai has regained his freedom and was returned to Taiwan on October 27.)