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Upon Returning to the Path of Cultivation, a Malignant Tumor Quickly Disappeared

Oct. 31, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net, October 21, 2003)

There is a woman, in her thirties, who lives in a village of Yi County, Hebei Province. She used to practice Falun Gong. However, since she did not strive forward in true cultivation, she did not dare to practice under the suppression and persecution of Jiang's political regime, and under the pressure by the regime, she stopped practicing. In May of this year, she suddenly had an unbearable headache. She went to the hospital and the examination discovered a brain tumor. They told her that she'd have to take 13,000 Yuan RMB [500 Yuan is the average monthly salary of a worker in China] and go to a large hospital in Beijing for the surgery. Because the traffic into Beijing was blocked due to the SARS epidemic, she had no way to get there, and could only stay home and die. After several Falun Dafa practitioners found out, they encouraged her to practice Falun Gong again and read the Falun Dafa books together with her. She once again started to practice Falun Gong. And then a miracle happened -- her headache was gone. Upon returning to the hospital for another exam, it was found that the tumor had disappeared. The specialist thought that it was very strange. He said in surprise: "Without surgery, how did the tumor disappear?"

Falun Dafa really is so miraculous.