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Some Thoughts on Cultivating the Heart

Oct. 4, 2003 |   Written by Practitioner in Shenyang

(Clearwisdom.net) Our attachments are constantly being revealed so that we can continuously improve, be cleansed, and reach the standard of the new cosmos. Some practitioners, including those who produced Dafa materials for others, said: "I went to Beijing and shouted í Falun Dafa is good!' As a result I was imprisoned and lost many material attachments, so I will definitely attain great things on the day of consummation." This mentality reflects insufficient Fa-study and understanding of Dafa disciples' duties in the Fa-rectification period. Others asked: "Since I have given up everything for Dafa, I should reach consummation for sure." I would say their consummation is not guaranteed, as very strong attachments are revealed in those words. How can you equate "giving up everything" with the solemnity of true consummation? Isn't it that you are just bargaining with Teacher on this matter?

It is wrong to think that we will reach consummation if we just give everything we have to Dafa. If we have this thought we should calm down and study the Fa more; especially Teacher's recent articles. We will understand a lot from the articles as long as we settle down to read them repeatedly. Instead of emphasizing any superficial form, Dafa cultivation directly targets our hearts. If we are not able to eliminate various human attachments, such as fame, loss and gain, etc., we will still be everyday people doing Dafa work. At best we can only gain good fortune in the human world from doing good deeds for Dafa. It is impossible to genuinely reach the state of enlightened beings and give up everything, if we fail to eliminate these human hearts.

The Fa-rectification has reached this extent; the highest of the old forces has been eliminated, and only the behind-the-scene helpers of the old forces are rampantly and stubbornly performing their arrangements to persecute Dafa and Dafa disciples. We have seen on the Clearwisdom website that some determined practitioners who had been imprisoned for years because they appealed for Dafa, have been released unconditionally. In some areas the evil has come to a dead end and Dafa materials have been easy to come across in society. However, in some other areas, the persecution is still severe. Brainwashing classes have started anew, and some practitioners who did very well before were arrested and did not conduct themselves well. Some practitioners who were not steadfast before in brainwashing classes were sent to class again to be "re-tested." Why is there such a big difference between different areas? We must look at it from the perspective of the Fa.

My understanding is that we should have a proper understanding of the relationship between cultivating ourselves and validating the Fa and saving sentient beings. We should not forget to cultivate ourselves while doing work for Dafa. If we equate doing Dafa work with giving up everything to validate the Fa, and neglect cultivating our hearts for too long, the evil might find a loophole to persecute. Therefore, some fellow practitioners said that if we always look inside when encountering any problem and upgrade ourselves in the matter, then what tribulation could possibly test us? The evil will have lost all excuses to persecute us. The three things Teacher requires us to do are correlated. We will be severely restricted in clarifying the truth and sending forth righteous thoughts unless we study the Fa well and take care to cultivate ourselves continuously. During this period of Fa-rectification, personal cultivation is extremely important. We must do it well through the last stage of cultivation. Only by following the three things and cultivating ourselves simultaneously, will we gain the most magnificent and pure future.

The above are a few words to bring fellow practitioners' attention to these matters. Please point out any improper understanding.