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Summary of Other Articles and News - 09/27/2003

Oct. 4, 2003


Practitioners Exchange Insights

Cultivating and improving myself by making phone calls to Mainland China: I think that making phone calls to Mainland China is a cultivation process to eliminate attachments. To be effective one has to think about saving all beings and have the compassion as described by Master, "a compassion that can melt steel" (Explaining the Fa During the 2003 Lantern Festival at the U.S. West Fa Conference). Once when I was calling Huludao Labor Education Center, I had hatred in my mind and I started criticizing their viciousness. They hung up the phone after I said only one sentence. I realized that I was lacking compassion. Later when I called Jinzhou Labor Education Center I adjusted my state of mind. When the person on the line cursed me, I thought that he was misled and that I had to tell him the truth and help him to wake up. As a result he not only listened, but also called another person to come over and listen. They did not hang up until I was finished on my end. To make calls effectively one has to study the Fa well. This year when SARS was rampant, I called Mainland China. Before I made the call I studied one of Master's lectures. Consequently, I was able to talk to the other side peacefully, naturally and smoothly. Each sentence was right to the point. I talked about 75 minutes. Later on they asked with surprise: How come we talked about Falun Gong from the angle of SARS? Through a year of making phone calls, I not only eliminated my attachment of fear, but also overcame other attachments such as complacency, showing off, and laziness. This is truly a cultivation process for overall improvement.

Facts of the Persecution

1) The police at Futian Detention Center in Shenzhen City worked with the doctors in the prison and ordered the criminals to brutally force-feed Falun Gong practitioners. They opened their mouths with a steel spoon (some practitioners had their teeth broken by this) and inserted a bamboo tube that would reach the throat. They then poured porridge or milk into the tube. Their brutal force-feeding always choked practitioners and endangered their lives.

2) In the Gongjiawan Brainwashing Class in Lanzhou City, Gansu Province severe crimes were committed against Falun Gong and Falun Gong practitioners. They have two faces: one is that of fake compassion, such as talking to practitioners and looking after practitioners (actually the money is from the fines practitioners paid, their living expenses and the money from practitioners' working units - 4,000 to 7, 000 Yuan). Practitioners can read Zhuan Falun and articles from Clearwisdom.net, but the book and articles have been altered. They asked practitioner's family to persuade them, hoping that sentimentality would move practitioners. They also used former practitioners who have given up practice under pressure to carry out brainwashing classes with lies. Their other face is to be harsh, to physically torture practitioners, to scare, force-feed, and beat practitioners. Recently at the the Gongjiawan brainwashing class, those who refused to sign documents to denounce Falun Gong were locked up and forced to stand for 24 hours.

3) Li Qi, the team leader of the 8th team of Nanmusi Female Labor Education Center in Sichuan Province, carried out a series of spiritual and physical persecutions toward Falun Gong practitioners who stick to "Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance." First, they often organized a team to "expose" and "criticize," just like in the time of the Cultural Revolution. Secondly, they forced Falun Gong practitioners to line up and exercise under the burning sun, and physically tortured them in order to "transform" them. Thirdly, practitioners are physically tortured for sticking to their belief.

News from China

According to a reliable source, since July 2003, some vicious people in Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province have been monitoring, using bugs to spy on Falun Gong practitioners, and planning to abduct Falun Gong practitioners before October 1, 2003. In the past week many Falun Gong practitioners' homes were monitored.