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Solemn Declarations of Dafa Practitioners

Oct. 4, 2003

Solemn Declaration

I received the Fa in 1998, but I did not diligently engage in cultivation. I was forced to write the "guarantee statement" [A statement to declare that he or she is remorseful for practicing Falun Gong and guarantees not to practice Falun Gong again, not to go to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong, and never again associate with any Falun Dafa practitioners.] after July 20, 1999. But my heart was still quite clear, and when the leader spoke to me, I reiterated that I would continue to practice Falun Gong. Nevertheless, from then on, I was bogged down in evil "enlightenment," and thus continually cooperated with the evil. In another instance of persecution, I did not behave based on the Fa and was therefore entangled in fame and profit and could not let them go. My righteous thoughts were moved by lies and due to my own fears I again wrote a "repentance letter" [In this statement the practitioner is forced to admit remorse for practicing Falun Gong, promise to give up Falun Gong, and never again associate with other practitioners or go to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong.]. I realized that doing so was an extreme disgrace as a Dafa practitioner, but I did not dare to say anything for fear of being ridiculed by others. But now I realize as a Dafa practitioner in cultivation, that having the heart of an everyday person will leave gaps and they are the impediments to my progress. Therefore, I do solemnly declare that the "guarantee letter" and "repentance letter" that I wrote are null and void. I want to tread on the correct path for my future and be a true and up to standard Dafa practitioner in the period of Fa-rectification. I will endeavor to extensively remedy my errors and redeem the losses I caused to Dafa.

Dafa Practitioner, Zhang Changsheng September 9, 2003

Translated from: http://www.minghui.ca/mh/articles/2003/9/17/57507.html

Solemn Declaration

Because of my attachment and intense desire to perform work in the Fa-rectification period, I allowed gaps for the evil to penetrate. I was arrested and sent to a forced labor camp. Under the relentless persecution, and to alleviate my own sufferings, I cooperated with the evil's requests and wrote things contrary to my convictions, which should never have been done by a Dafa practitioner. I deeply and sorrowfully regret my transgressions. Therefore, I now solemnly declare: Everything that I have done which was not in accordance with the words and deeds of a Dafa practitioner is null and void. I will eliminate all the interference, and steadfastly cultivate Dafa and be absolutely unwavering. Contemplating the tortuous path I followed: taking everything in stride superficially, using the heart of an everyday person to conjecture, using the standards of everyday people to measure things, and while in diverse circumstances embracing the mentality of everyday people. I thus lowered my own requirements and was not an open and above-board Dafa practitioner. I will forever remember this lesson. I will totally deny the arrangements of the old forces, be steadfast and sturdy in my cultivation, strengthen my righteous thoughts, validate Dafa, and in doing so extensively redeem the regrets that I left in my path of cultivation.

Declared by Kong Fanling September 20, 2003

Translated from: http://www.minghui.ca/mh/articles/2003/9/21/57723.html