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Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Qiu Xiuzhen Is Illegally Arrested

Oct. 7, 2003


On the afternoon of August 15, 2003, in Chengdu City, Pi County Police, Dongzikou Police, Jinniu District Police, Chengdu Police, and the Sichuan Province Police joined forces to arrest Qiu Xiuzhen, in her 60s, at her home.

They stuffed a dirty glove into her mouth and beat her face until she was black and blue. Director Zhou from Dongzikou Police Station stated, "We must harshly attack [Falun Gong]."

The police searched her home and confiscated personal propertiy including a CD writer, a computer, a portable copier, more than 20,000 Yuan [Yuan, Chinese currency, the monthly salary for an average Chinese urban worker is about 500 Yuan] in cash, a 3,000 Yuan bank deposit, and her grandson's new computer and 5,000 Yuan bank deposit. They also stopped Qiu Xiuzhen's pension from her work unit. Currently, they are detaining Qiu at Chengdu Detention Center in Anqing, Pi County. The First Section of Jinniu District Police Branch in Chengdu City is in charge of her case. The telephone is 86-28-86406340.

Qiu Xiuzhen's husband, a practitioner in his 60's, had to leave home to avoid persecution. In order to catch him, the police have been harassing all the friends and relatives of the couple and try to force them to report him.

According to our information, a detained practitioner gave out the name of an elderly women who helped to deliver Dafa materials. The police found out about Qiu from the elderly woman.