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A Letter from the President of the France-China Friendship Association to Falun Dafa Practitioners

Oct. 7, 2003


Paris, September 16th 2003


You previously made a request to my colleague, Nadine Morano, to pay attention to the situation of Falun Gong practitioners in China. She has transferred your letter to me so that I can respond as the President of the France-China Friendship Association. For years, this subject has been worrisome for many politicians.

At present, the French and European communities have periodically questioned China and have had to force China to admit human rights violations. With continuous dialogue, carried on by different politicians, we are gradually changing the human rights situations in China. Please trust me that I will raise this issue and will attach importance to the situation as you reported it.

Let me know if I can be of further service. Please accept my sincere regards.

Good luck.

Guy Drut
MP of Seine and Marne
Former Minister,
Mayor of Coulommiers City

Source: http://clearharmony.net/articles/200310/15461.html
