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Practitioner Liu Zhaohong Is in Critical Condition after Four Months of Hunger Strike

Oct. 8, 2003


Practitioner Liu Zhaohong of Jiaozhou City, Shandong Province was abducted by the "610 Office" [an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems.] on May 12, 2003. After being savagely tortured several times, Liu has become extremely weak. He has been on a hunger strike for four months, and his condition is very critical.

According to reliable information, Liu was illegally sentenced to 5 years in prison. In order to send him away, the "610 Office" made arrangements with several forced-labor camps and persecution center, but they all refused to take Liu after finding out his poor health condition.

The "610 Office" continued to jail Liu in Jiaozhou City Detention Center. To block the information, they put him in a single cell by himself, completely isolated from the rest of the world. The most recent news is that even the policeman delivering water everyday has been rejected by Liu. The situation is very worrisome.

Liu's family members are negotiating with officials, requesting that he be released. Here we appeal to the international communities and all good people in the world to extend your help to rescue Liu.