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We Need Strong and Powerful Righteous Thoughts from Fellow Practitioners in Fa-Rectification

Oct. 8, 2003 |   By a Practitioner from Liaoning Province


We often read in the Minghui Weekly that fellow practitioners persecuted to death had been suffering tremendous inhumane treatment and torture in jails, labor camps and brainwashing classes. They refused to write a "guarantee letter" or give up practicing Falun Gong even at the penalty of death.

Dafa practitioners' determination in the face of torture brings forth the deepest respect from my heart. I suddenly pondered: They could endure such tremendous tribulations and never give up. Then why did they have to lose their lives?

We Dafa Disciples are different from past cultivators in that we are assisting Teacher in Fa-rectification. We are blazing the trail using "righteous thoughts." We are saving beings unselfishly with compassion. Therefore, aren't they enduring too much! In addition, isn't it also a manifestation of our cultivation state as a whole?

Last summer, I felt that every practitioner was shouldering such a heavy historical duty. All practitioners were very busy exposing the government's lies, clarifying the truth and saving beings. Time is so limited. I suddenly I had the thought that there were still tens of thousands of fellow practitioners in detention centers and jails. "No way! They cannot stay there enduring persecution. They are given such an important historical duty to fulfill. How can they still stay there! They have to get out of there!"

At that time, this one determined powerful thought suddenly shook me. I saw a human giant's image on a flat surface. This image formed a kind of material stuff around my liver, then in the back of my head, kidney and all the other areas of my body. Then in an instant, it all solidified without any space in between. The elements of persecution all disappeared without a trace.

At that time, I had this single righteous thought: If other fellow practitioners all have such a powerful righteous thought one after another; and all our fellow practitioners that are still in jail also have such a righteous thought one after another; and as Dafa's whole body, we all have such a strong thought; then everything would change in a righteous direction and the evil elements would be destroyed instantly and the environment would be completely changed.

Yes, Teacher was giving us clues to show us how important a practitioner's righteous thoughts could be and how important it is for us to form a solid whole. Practitioners' righteous thoughts are most powerful. The righteous thoughts of fellow practitioners as a whole will determine the overall environment of Fa-rectification.

My fellow practitioners, Dafa cultivation is all about our "heart." Let's cultivate and improve ourselves starting from each and every thought, blazing the trail in "righteous thoughts," responsible for the Fa, for our fellow practitioners and for all sentient beings.