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The Purpose of Every Major Campaign Launched by Communist Party Leaders is to Consolidate Their Own Personal Power

Oct. 8, 2003 |   By a Practitioner in China


One day a couple came to visit me. Soon after we began to chat, I said, "Did you know that Jiang has been sued by Falun Gong practitioners overseas? All the domestic websites in China published the news."

The couple felt surprised. I explained the doubtful points of the so-called "Self Immolation Incident at Tiananmen Square" and clarified the facts to them. The real purpose of this incident, staged by Jiang's regime, was to incite hatred from the Chinese people towards Falun Gong and to find excuses for its illegal suppression of Falun Gong.

After listening to me, the couple caught on to it. The husband said, "When I attended advanced studies, a professor had a good analysis. He said that every major campaign launched by the communist party happened when its power base appeared unstable.

He continued, "When the suppression of Falun Gong started, I thought that something must have gone wrong with Jiang's power. I graduated in 1989, and I knew that many innocent students were shot to death on June 4, 1989. But the authorities of the communist party denied this to the utmost. When the 'self-immolation incident' was broadcast, I thought it was a true story with extra processing. I did not realize that Jiang had gone to such a cruel extent."

The wife said, "I heard that the so-called self-immolation was a fake long ago. But I did not know how they had faked it. Now I understand it after listening to you. What about the murders?"

Her husband said, "If you want to condemn someone, you can always come up with a [false] charge."

Later on, they mentioned that one of their relatives worked in the irrigation bureau. A Falun Gong practitioner in his work unit was sent to the prison and detained there for more than two months because he refused to give up the practice.

Their relative was assigned to watch over him in the prison the whole time. The "610 office" [an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems.] even demanded the work unit to pay them a large sum of money.