Falun Dafa Minghui.org www.minghui.org PRINT

Poem: Why I Practice Falun Gong (Photo)

Oct. 9, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net October 8th)

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Why I practice Falun Gong

Because He teaches me to be a true person

A person who does not tell lies to seek interests

A person who does not bear grudges against others' faults, and treats everything with compassion


Why I practice Falun Gong

Because He reminds me of an ancient song

An ode that once came from the depth of life

An ode that had used to be sung for tens of thousands of years but is faded from people's memory


Why I practice Falun Gong

Because He helps me find my own root

The root that is embedded in the depths of every cell

The root that had been passed on for tens of thousands of years and gradually lost its source


Why I practice Falun Gong

Because I want to be a true person

Because I want to sing loudly that beautiful ode

Because I want to get back the root that belongs to me forever