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Guard in Detention Center Instructs Inmates: "Hold a Meeting to Learn from those Who Practice Falun Gong"

Nov. 14, 2003

(Clearwisdom.Net) In a detention center in a city in northeastern China, the guards have realized the truth about Falun Gong through talking with the jailed practitioners since July 20, 1999. The Falun Gong practitioners have also developed an environment to study the Fa and practice the exercises in the prison.

After realizing the truth about Falun Gong, a guard always educated imprisoned criminals, "You guys should learn from Falun Gong to behave yourselves. Actually, from our director down to the guards, we all understand what's going on with regard to Falun Gong. When they send forth righteous thoughts, we just stay in our office. We don't have the guts to see them do this. None of us are willing to try to stop them."

One day a guard told the prisoners in the cells, "Except for Falun Gong practitioners, all of you have to stay in a cell to hold a meeting to learn from those who practice Falun Gong. Looking inwards first, you have to check if you have any problem on your side. Now start to think about it, and all of you have to speak about what you've learned this afternoon. The Falun Gong people are really different from you guys." Then he told the practitioners, "If I had the authority to make the decision, I'd set you free. How can they imprison good people like you here?"

Another day the inmates started to learn the Falun Gong exercises from the practitioners. Because of the limited space, two of them had to stand on a bed. When they were doing the third set, a guard told them by the door, "Don't stand there. The military policemen can see it. They just called to report to me that you were practicing the exercises!" So the practitioners moved their position to make sure the military police couldn't see them. Then the guard left.

A newly arrested practitioner was sent to the detention center. When he went into the cell, two prisoners kicked and yelled at him," Squat down! Why are you here?" He replied, "Because I practice Falun Gong." The inmates were scared, "Why didn't you tell us sooner? Had you said so in the beginning, we wouldn't have kicked you!"

October 25, 2003