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Summary of Other Articles and News - November 2, 2003

Nov. 14, 2003


True Cases of Persecution

These are the atrocious methods of persecution used in the Xuchang Forced Labor Camp in Henan province:

  1. Various torture devices are used on steadfast Dafa practitioners, and no sleeping is allowed. Every once in while a wave of "conquer" takes place. For example, during one of these waves, Dafa practitioner Peng Hongyan in the 2nd unit of the 2nd brigade was tied to two iron beds, while two drug abusers in the prison fiercely hit the inner sides of Peng's thighs with wooden boards, resulting severe damage to the soft tissue. They broke his leg by brutally beating him. They also tied a string to Peng's penis and violently pulled. He was not allowed to use the toilet, nor sleep. After his leg was broken and he wasn't able to walk, he was still forced to attend the drill and perform the work. During this time Dafa practitioner Yao Sanzhong was tortured to death.
  2. Two to four prisoners are used to "sandwich" one Dafa practitioner.
  3. Forced labor over long hours.
  4. Frequent broadcast of anti-Falun Gong videos, and giving out assignments and exams that slander Falun Gong. Practitioners are also forced to stand beneath a red flag and swear to "break away" from Falun Gong.
  5. Every time there is a town hall meeting or group activity, the prison police stand in a circle with electric batons and strings, which are used to tie the hands of people, creating an environment of terror.
  6. TV crews and individuals visit the labor camps and produce anti-Falun Gong programs which practitioners are forced to watch.

News from China

Chinese Central Television (CCTV) reported in 1999 and 2000 that a man named Zhou Gang from Harbin killed people because he had cultivation insanity. The truth is Zhou Gang was not a Falun Gong practitioner at all. He often had hallucinations and sometimes exhibited neurosis. One day in July of 1999, he had an episode of neurosis at his work place and killed an officer, severely injured another person, and mildly injured a third person. He was arrested by the 7th unit of the Harbin police department. Shortly after, the reporters from the "Focus Investigation" ("Jiaodian Fangtan") of the CCTV arrived and learned about the case through the police investigators. When they learned that Zhou Gang was not a Falun Gong practitioner, they promised him that if he cooperated by saying that he was a Falun Gong practitioner, he would be protected from the death sentence. Zhou Gang was only too happy to cooperate with the reporters and played along by slandering Falun Gong. In December 2000, Zhou Gang was still sentenced to death by the middle level court of the Harbin City, and was executed to protect the secret of the farce. This is the truth about the case that framed Falun Gong, which was done by the "Focus Investigation" crew of CCTV.