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UK Lawyer To Initiate Lawsuit Against Jiang Zemin

Nov. 15, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net) A barrister and solicitor (Editor's Note: "barrister and solicitor" are terms used in the UK to describe a lawyer, as the term "attorney" is used in the USA) has been retained to prepare a lawsuit in the UK courts against Jiang for his crimes of genocide in persecuting Falun Gong. Ground work for the case is now underway.

Many other barristers have responded to practitioners' truth clarification efforts, and written letters showing their interest and support in the case. Some provide very useful and helpful advice and suggestions with regard to undertaking a lawsuit against Jiang. Some wrote to say they were shocked to learn that Jiang has been so cruelly persecuting Falun Gong practitioners and to wish us success in the case.

One barrister said in his letter: "Thank you for your recent letter detailing the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners by the former Chinese premier Jiang Zemin. The hardships you referred to are matters of which I was aware, but unfortunately somehow under-informed and I was therefore shocked by the scale of the persecution it appears you have been subjected to."

Bringing Jiang to justice is a natural part of the Fa rectification. It is every practitioner's concern. Accordingly, our mentality and the notions we carry with respect to the situation are crucial. Everything in this old universe is deformed and decayed. Dafa disciples are rectifying the Fa. So we should be clear we are not relying on any ordinary peoples' organizations and laws to rectify the Fa. Therefore, it is believed that the core issues about which we should share our understandings are: how to clarify the truth thoroughly and systematically, and how to improve as a whole body.

UK Dafa Disciples