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Reminiscing About Teacher's Benevolence

Nov. 17, 2003 |   By a Dafa practitioner in Taiwan

(Clearwisdom.net) What I'm about to share happened in spring of 2002. After I obtained the Fa in October 2000, five members of my family, one after the other, began practicing Falun Gong. All of us have benefited from Falun Dafa cultivation both physically and spiritually, and are deeply thankful to Teacher. In spring 2002 when I found out that a Fa conference was to be held in the United States, I expressed my gratitude to Teacher in a letter and asked a fellow practitioner to pass the letter to Teacher. I also enclosed a red envelope that contained money as a humble token of my. [Note: It is a Chinese custom to put money in a red vertical envelope as a gift for children at the eve of every Chinese New Year or to one's benefactors as a form of appreciation.] I did not tell her that I had enclosed a red envelope inside the letter, so she did not know that she would be passing both the letter and money to Teacher.

As soon as she returned home to Taiwan, she called me and asked me to come and see her without delay. The minute I walked into her door, I saw the red envelope in her hands. She told me without further ado what Teacher had said, "How can I (Teacher) take this? How can I take money from my disciples?" I burst immediately into tears. Please understand that it was not because Teacher did not accept the money. I cried because I wondered: How can Teacher be so wonderful? How can there be a teacher in this world who does not ask his disciples to provide for him?

Our magnificent Teacher has given us so much and endured countless hardships for us. Words are not adequate to describe how much Teacher has done for us. Teacher is beyond a doubt truly compassionate.

Teacher said, "There are 100 million students studying the Fa. If I ask everyone now to give me a dollar--think about it everyone--if everyone gives me a dollar, then I will be a hundred-millionaire." ("Lecture at the Fa-Conference in Canada") Teacher also said, "Someone asked me, 'Teacher, you have taught us so many things and have given us so much. What do you want?' I said, 'I do not want anything. I have just come to save you. I just want your heart to be good and want you to be able to move up.'" ("Falun Dafa Lecture in Sydney")

Teacher does not want any money from us. All he wants is for our hearts to be truly good. As long as we continue to cultivate in Dafa, he will help us all the way to the end. Teacher pulled us out of hell, and he continuously eliminates karma for us. How can we create new karma after Teacher has cleansed us? We have to cherish Teacher's sole wish for our salvation. We cannot stray from the cultivation path that Teacher arranged for us. We must refuse to walk the road that the old forces have arranged. We should never create any loopholes that can be exploited by the evil. Most importantly, we must eliminate our attachments and continue on the path that guides us to our origins.