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Summary of Other Articles and News - November 9, 2003

Nov. 17, 2003


Facts of the Persecution

1) Since October 21, 2003, all of the forced labor camps in the Shandong Province began a campaign to coerce practitioners to renounce Falun Dafa through intensive forced brainwashing sessions. The Second Forced Labor Camp located in Wangcun, Shandong Province, isolated the most steadfast Dafa practitioners on a separate floor. They assigned four collaborators [former practitioners who have given up Falun Dafa under severe pressure and torture and now assists the authorities in the persecution of Dafa practitioners] to watch the practitioners around the clock. The collaborators are now instrumental in the effort to torture Dafa practitioners. They prohibit Dafa practitioners to speak or sleep. If these collaborators notice a Dafa practitioner drift off, two of them would yank him up, make him jog in the hallway, and beat him up. If they found him drifting off again, they would drag him to the sink, hold his head under a water faucet, and douse him with cold water. After he was thoroughly revived, they would make him stand straight for a long time. Some practitioners are locked with handcuffs and shackles on beds in a stretched position, not allowed to move.

2) In November 2002, to prepare for the upcoming 16th People's Congress, Jiamusi Forced Labor Camp intensified its persecution of all the illegally detained Falun Gong practitioners. Members of the Jiamusi Forced Labor Camp staff shaved the heads of Falun Gong practitioners. Then they forced them to watch "Focus Interview", a CCTV program that spreads deceitful information about Falun Gong, including the "Tiananmen Square self-immolation" and other staged incidences that frame Falun Gong. They forced Falun Gong practitioners to sit on small stools and watch these video programs from 3 a.m. to 10 or 11 p.m. Should a Falun Gong practitioner move his eyes away from the TV screen, they would subject him to violent beatings, shock him with electric batons, lock him up in "solitary confinement" with tape over his mouth, or force him to sit on a tiny bench for an extended time that causes the victim's buttocks to bleed. [Note: Many Falun Gong practitioners were thrown into "solitary confinement" or "small cell" because they refused to renounce Falun Gong. In the tiny cells, they were given only two bowls of water a day for drinking and washing. The practitioners also had to eat, drink, and relieve themselves in these cells. Sometimes they were forced to sit completely still for several hours a day. In the summer, the small chamber can get unbearably hot, and the practitioners developed rashes and other skin eruptions all over their bodies. When some practitioners were found doing the Falun Gong exercises, the guards poured buckets of water on them; the water covered the cell floors to a depth of five to ten inches. (From "Solitary Confinement" or "Small Cell" in "Forced to Hold Painful Positions for Extended Time" of The Falun Gong Report 2002.)] The guards use any conceivable method to try to get the practitioners to give up their belief, as the guard are given very high monetary incentives for practitioners who give up Falun Gong.

Exchange of Cultivation Experiences

Continue to Eliminate My Attachment of Fear and Become A Righteous Enlightened Being:

Some time ago, I delivered truth-clarification flyers to a fellow practitioner's home. Because he was not at home, I decided to post these flyers on electric poles in his neighborhood. All of sudden, a flashlight was shining on me. Without thinking rationally, I ran to the courtyard of a nearby home, jumped over the wall, and tried to run away as fast as I could. After a few steps, I realized that I still harbored the attachment of fear. Thus I returned to where those people had flashed the light on me. I recall a similar situation at an earlier time. I was posting a flyer on an electric pole when a car with the headlights on came from the direction of the village towards me. I feared that it was a police car. I ran away immediately. After a block, I decided to walk home and post the truth-clarification flyers on the way. Although I managed to post some truth-clarification flyers, the flyers were soon removed. I thought that it must have to do with my mentality at the time of posting these flyers. These two experiences told me clearly what I also had to improve upon: When we clarify the truth or do truth-clarification work, we must maintain a pure and righteous mentality. Only this way are we able to display the mighty virtue of the Fa.

The Truth and People's Hearts

1) From a 79-year-old new practitioner in China: I have three wonderful sons, and yet I was still troubled over one thing. I suffered from many ailments. I have spent a lot of money on medical treatments, but none cured me. I remained as skinny as a rail. One day I picked up a red envelope on the street and brought it home. After I opened the red envelope, I found in it Falun Dafa truth-clarification materials. One of the materials displayed the words, "Those who treat Falun Dafa with kindness will be blessed with happiness and peace." I managed to find a Falun Gong practitioner and asked to learn Falun Gong. Two months later, all of my illnesses had disappeared and I became quite healthy. My spouse watched my health improve day by day, and witnessed my rotator cuff tendonitis disappear after I began practicing Falun Gong. My entire family was elated. I have to speak the truth from the bottom of my heart: Falun Dafa is good, without a doubt!

2) After hearing the truth from a Dafa practitioner, a middle-aged woman in a village of Wuhan City began to learn Falun Gong from the Dafa practitioners. After practicing Falun Gong for only one day, her headache and chest pain, including all ailments she had suffered from but could not cure with medicine, disappeared without a trace. She told her husband, "I practiced with those Falun Gong practitioners yesterday, and I no longer feel pain or need medicine today." Her husband replied, "Then you should continue to practice!"