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France: Guadeloupe Falun Gong Practitioners Receive Invitation to Introduce Falun Gong in Several Cities (Photos)

Nov. 18, 2003 |   By French practitioners

(Clearwisdom.net, November 18, 2003) On the morning of August 16, 2003, Guadeloupe Falun Gong practitioners introduced Falun Gong to the residents of Pointe-Noire. Practitioners held the activity on the local government square and used the time to clarify the facts to people about the persecution of Falun Gong as well as letting people know about the crimes that Jiang Zemin has committed. Many people were astonished when they learnt of the persecution after seeing the peaceful Falun Gong exercises.

High Resolution Picture

That afternoon, practitioners were invited to hold a demonstration in the town of Le Lamentin, as part of the Tour of the Guadeloupe Islands. The Tour of the Guadeloupe Islands is a bicycle race similar to the Tour de France and because of this, many cyclists from other countries also participated. Some Falun Gong practitioners demonstrated the exercises on a stage and other practitioners distributed Dafa materials concerning the persecution of Falun Gong in China.

Spectators were attracted to the Dafa music and nearly everyone accepted a flyer. After the demonstration, practitioners explained all aspects of Falun Gong to the public, which the audience paid great attention to.

Source: http://clearharmony.net/articles/200311/16203.html