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Use Compassion to Safeguard Dafa's Dignity

Nov. 18, 2003 |   By a Dafa practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) I obtained the Fa in April of 1996. Since that time I saw safeguarding the Fa as my sacred mission. Whenever I came across people bad-mouthing Dafa, I couldn't help arguing with these people. I wouldn't let go until we settled the issue one way or another. Yet, this type of situation made me really upset.

After the evil persecution of Dafa began in July 20, 1999, my co-workers, after listening to falsehoods defaming Falun Gong that were spread by the Jiang regime through the media, would discuss it loudly in my presence. I couldn't resist arguing with them. There was no way that I can' describe the anger and pain in my heart. As time passed, and with the advancement of the Fa-rectification, I matured. I understood clearly that winning a debate with everyday people during the truth clarification process is the attachment of competitiveness. Feeling upset or being angry is also a human emotion. I needed to discard these attachments during my personal cultivation and thus become a diligent Fa-rectification disciple.

As I continued with the truth clarification, I was able to help most of my co-workers learn the truth about Falun Gong. Their righteous thoughts became dominant in their minds and they no longer believed the evil regime's propaganda. Yet, I could not reach one young woman colleague from a military family. She was deeply 'poisoned by the fabrications spread by the government. She continued to make negative remarks about Dafa in my presence. However I had learned my lesson, thus I remained calm and without anger, and patiently clarified the truth to her. Regretfully I have to admit that there were times I almost lost my composure because I could not 'win her over. I said to myself "with a sigh, "let it go, this person doesn't deserve salvation, just let her be eliminated in the future".

After studying Master's recent lectures, I realized that this thought was wrong. It suggested a lack of compassion. Teacher said,

"Your intention to safeguard Dafa's dignity is correct, but how do you safeguard it? Do you shut their mouths? Do you debate with them? I'm telling you, just treat all beings with compassion, and just clarify the facts to people with compassion, and you will be safeguarding Dafa's dignity, and you'll be able to safeguard Dafa's dignity." ("Teaching and Explaining the Fa at the Metropolitan New York Fa Conference")

I came to understand that clarifying the truth to people is ok, safeguarding the dignity of Dafa is also correct. But, if I used an ordinary person's mindset and ordinary person's methods, then it does not meet the requirements of the Fa. From that moment on, I was positive that I should treat everyone with compassion, no matter the situation or audience. I should not hesitate to clarify the truth to them. This new understanding allowed me to set a higher standard for myself. I understood that I had to adhere to this understanding in my daily life, including my work environment. I needed to treat my colleagues with compassion. I decided to do the kind of work that everyone else hated, and gave other people a chance to seize opportunities that would benefit them. My relationship with my colleagues improved steadily.

My chance to help this young woman came on a day when the media attacked Falun Gong. The young woman did not hesitate to make remarks based on the fake news item right after arriving at the office. I calmly listened to her. After she finished, I said, "Let's not get into that particular piece of news just now, but I have a question for you. What do you think of me?" She answered, "I know that you are a decent man. If the other Falun Gong practitioners are just like you, I stand corrected." I said, "Falun Gong practitioners cultivate Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance. Many are even better than I. Just ask someone else. There are many Falun Gong practitioners in our county, yet, how many did you see doing bad things like what is said in the media?" She became silent. Afterward, I patiently told her a few true local stories that helped me clarify the truth to her. I told her the truth about the persecution by the evil regime. I noticed that this time the effect was very good. She fully accepted what I had said and no longer made negative comments.

My truth clarification work helped me to further understand the deep meaning of Master's Fa lectures and scriptures. I am now clear in my mind that we should only follow Master's guidance without deviation. We should treat all sentient beings with compassion and tell them the truth. This is safe guarding the dignity of Dafa, and only then can we be effective in safeguarding the dignity of Dafa.