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Falun Dafa Practitioner Fu Yingxia from Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province Is in a Life-Threatening Condition after a Nearly One-Month-Long Hunger Strike

Nov. 18, 2003

In June 2003, Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Fu Yingxia was arrested at a Zhaoyuan City Falun Dafa materials-producing site, and was detained and secretly interrogated as a felon. While in detention, she went on a hunger strike to protest the illegal persecution and tried to clarify the truth to her persecutors, displaying Dafa practitioners' great benevolence and forbearance. The "610 Office"* staff used various means to brutally torture her, including forcing her to sit on the "Tiger Bench,"** piercing her hands with bamboo sticks, hitting her and beating her feet with a club. The extent of the persecution against her was so severe that even one policeman commented, "They are so heartless. This torture is too horrible to witness." But with righteous thoughts, Ms. Fu Yingxia was able to escape this torturous place.

On August 27, she was arrested again and has been on hunger strike ever since then to protest the persecution. (The Clearwisdom website reported on her situation on 11/8/2003, http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2003/11/8/42051.html "Dafa Practitioner Fu Yingxia is in a Life-Threatening Condition But Zhaoyuan Police Still Refuse to Release Her") Ms. Fu Yingxia currently suffers from a very weak pulse and her life is in imminent danger. We hope that all fellow practitioners who hear this news will send forth righteous thoughts to clear away all the evil old forces behind the persecution of Dafa practitioners.

Relevant Phone Numbers:

Liu Weiqei, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee in Zhaoyuan City:
86-535-8232868 (work), 86-535-8233316 (home), 86-13853510016 (mobile)

Zhou Bo, Mayor of Zhaoyuan City:
86-535-8211771 (work), 86-535-8211398 (home), 86-13905456606 (mobile)

Xu Linhong, Secretary of the Political and Judiciary Committee in Zhaoyuan City:
86-535-8216988 (home), 86-13808910011(mobile)

Qin Yuxian, "610 Office" Chief in Zhaoyuan City:
86-535-8258610 (work), 86-535-8211818 (home), 86-13906458585 (mobile)

Cai Ping, Zhaoyuan City Chief of Police:
86-535-8213899 (work), 86- 13705358566 (mobile)

* The "610 Office" is an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems.

** Tiger Bench: Practitioners are forced to sit on a small iron bench that is approximately 20 cm (6 inches) tall with their knees tied together. With their hands tied behind their backs or sometimes placed on their knees, they are forced to sit straight up and look straight ahead. They are not allowed to turn their heads, close their eyes, talk to anyone or move at all. Several inmates are assigned to watch over the practitioners and force them to remain motionless while sitting on the bench. Usually some hard objects are inserted underneath the practitioners' lower legs or ankles to make it harder for them to tolerate this abuse (see illustration on http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2001/11/24/16156.html)