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Speech by a Representative of the "Association of Threatened People" at a German Rally (Excerpt)

Nov. 2, 2003

Mr. Bluemel gave the following speech on behalf of the Association of Threatened People in a public rally held in Germany.

Article 36 of the Chinese constitution unequivocally protects citizens' freedom of belief. In Chinese law, it is also not allowed to discriminate against any person because of his religious belief. However, the actual situation is totally the opposite. [...]

The Association of Threatened People is very concerned about the steadily escalating persecution that Falun Gong has been suffering from. No other religion or group has been confronted with bloody suppression in China on a scale as large as Falun Gong. Since the suppression in China started four years ago, there have been 770 Falun Gong practitioners persecuted to death in detention centres, labour camps or prisons due to inhuman torture. Additional cases of death are still reported every week. Brutal torture is routine in the detention centres and labour camps every day. These are not merely isolated cases where individual security officials are involved. Instead, it is a systematic persecution that the leaders of the Chinese government conduct against Falun Gong. The Chinese government has publicly emphasized several times that it will eradicate Falun Gong in China.

In past years, the Federal Republic of Germany and other European countries have been dedicated to the establishment of the International Criminal Court so that the means for implementing the punishment of people who commit human rights violations can be established. In other words, the purpose is to warn people against and restrict severe human rights violations. The International Criminal Court has not succeeded in restraining the human rights violations in China so far because China has not yet acknowledged the Court. Under such circumstances, it is particularly meaningful to bring Jiang, the prime criminal of human rights violation in China, to stand trial in a public court.

Before the Chinese President Jiang Zemin's state visit to Germany in April 2002, we filed a lawsuit to the Federal Court against Jiang Zemin and accused him of violating the UN Anti-Torture Treaty. According to the UN Anti-Torture Treaty, the civil laws in China have an obligation to ensure that no cruel torture is perpetrated in China. However, the physical torture in Chinese prisons and detention centres is ongoing. The lawsuit was eventually revoked because Jiang was a head of state at the time, making him exempt from these obligations. Also, because Jiang was a guest of the German government we could not take legal action.

It is our belief that Jiang and the associated people who persecute Falun Gong should take full responsibility for the deaths of the Falun Gong practitioners due to torture. We are very pleased to know that the Global Coalition to Bring Jiang to Justice will devote itself to taking Jiang to trial to receive the punishment he deserves.

Source: http://www.clearharmony.net/articles/200310/15924.html