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Steadfast Practitioners in Tianjin City Receive Consecutive Sentences in Forced Labor Camps

Nov. 22, 2003


Because of steadfastly practicing Falun Dafa, Mr. Liu Liankun was illegally sentenced in 1999 to serve time at the Shuangkou Forced Labor Camp in the Beichen District of Tianjin City. Due to his refusal to renounce his belief in Falun Dafa, he was transferred to the Banqiao Forced Labor Camp in the Dagang District of Tianjin City. Then, because he still refused to renounce his belief in Falun Dafa even after serving an extended sentence, in April of 2003, he was illegally sentenced to an additional three years of forced labor.

Mr. Chu Jidong was illegally sentenced in 1999, to the Shuangkou Forced Labor Camp in the Beichen District of Tianjin City, because he firmly practices Falun Dafa. While in detention he refused to renounce his belief under severe pressure and coercion from the authorities. Therefore, after his term was over, he was transferred to Banqiao Forced Labor Camp in the Dagang District of Tianjin City, to serve another illegal sentence of three years. While in a brainwashing class in March 2003, Mr. Chu was deprived of sleep, shocked with electric batons and was subjected to brutal force-feeding.

Because of practicing Dafa firmly, Mr. Zhang Wensheng was illegally sentenced in 1999 to the Shuangkou Forced Labor Camp in the Beichen District of Tianjin City. As he refused to renounce Falun Dafa, after his term was over he was transferred to Banqiao Forced Labor Camp in the Dagang District of Tianjin City to serve another illegal sentence of one and a half years. After this new term was over, he was still not "transformed," so his term was extended for half a year more. In March 2002, when he was in a brainwashing class, Mr. Zhang was beaten cruelly, deprived of sleep for extended periods and was shocked with electric batons.

Because of his firm belief in Falun Dafa, Mr. Yang Hong was illegally sentenced in 1999 to the Shuangkou Forced Labor Camp in the Beichen District of Tianjin City. He was transferred to Qingbowa Forced Labor Camp in the Xiqing District of Tianjin City because he continued to remain steadfast in his belief. After serving an illegally-extended term there, Mr. Yang still had not renounced his practice of Falun Dafa and so was sentenced illegally in May 2003, to another three years of detention.

Steadfast practitioner Mr. Zhang Shunli was illegally sentenced in 1999, to the Banqiao Forced Labor Camp of Tianjin City. In March 2003, while in the labor camp's brainwashing class, Mr. Zhang suffered savage beatings and sleep deprivation, among other cruel torture. The instances of such tortures are a regular part of the strategy to force Falun Dafa practitioners to renounce their belief in the Falun Dafa principle of Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance.