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Cruel Torture Too Horrible to Imagine: Cheeks, Tongue, and Nasal Cavity are Punctured with Needles

Nov. 22, 2003 |   By A Dafa practitioner in China


I am a Dafa practitioner who obtained Dafa in 1998. On the morning of Chinese Lunar Calendar date February 1 [March 14, 2002], I went to a grocery store in Songyuan City, Jilin Province, to page a fellow practitioner. Because the fellow practitioner had been arrested and his pager was taken by the police, I was caught and in the grocery store. I said, "I am a good person. Why are you taking me away?" He said, "You are just the one who I have wanted to arrest." He then pressed a revolver against my back and hauled me outside. Soon four policemen came out from a taxi and squeezed me into a black car. In the car, three policemen rode with me and searched me. Among other things, they took away my cell phone, pager, several hundred Yuan in cash [Yuan is the Chinese currency. The average monthly salary of an urban worker in China is 500 Yuan], my phone book, my Falun Dafa book, and my drivers license.

They took me to the third floor of the police station and took away my belt and shoes. I did not answer them when they asked me questions. Then they beat me up, and soon my nose bled. When they saw that I still would not say anything, the person who beat me left and another policeman came in to clean up the blood on my face, which was a hypocritical show of concern. Therefore, I did not let him clean up the blood and dispose of the evidence of the police torture. I asked him why they arrested me, and clarified the truth to him. The policeman suddenly turned hostile. And then several vicious policemen came in, handcuffed my hands behind my back, and took me to another room. They used shackles to cuff my hands behind my back and hung me up by my hands, which is called "hanging him up high" in their words. This torture was excruciatingly painful for me. I said to Master in my heart, "Master, under any circumstance I will not do any disservice to Master or Dafa. I will not betray Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance." At that time, I was in so much pain that my sweat ran down to the ground drop by drop. Gradually, I lost consciousness. They did not take me down until I had hung there for over three hours (this is what they told me, I did not know how long I was hung). They made me recover consciousness by dousing me with water. As soon as I regained consciousness, they again asked me to confess. I did not speak. Next, they tied me on the Tiger Bench [a small iron bench that is approximately 20 cm. tall] and beat me, hitting my ankles, legs, hands, head, and feet with sticks. My ankles were so swollen that they were as thick as my legs. They also covered my head with a plastic bag, and tied it around my neck to threaten to suffocate me. They did not open it until I had almost suffocated to death. Then, once I got my breath, they tied it again. They also clamped my fingers with two wooden sticks. I was in so much pain that I was shaking badly. After they got tired of beating me, they went out to have a tea break. After they came back, they continued beating me. Just like this, they beat me from morning until evening. Then, when they saw I was still steadfast and unyielding, they stopped beating me and sent me to the detention center, letting people lift me up. At that time, I could not walk by myself because of the torture.

Since I did not provide those authoritities with any information they wanted, they sent me to the most vicious cell block and told the head of the cell block to manage me well and make me "confess." After breakfast the next morning, the head of the cell block told prisoners to torture me. The prisoners then came at me in a fury, took off all of my cloths and beat me to a pulp. I was beaten until I lost my breath several times and the muscles on my legs were torn. When they saw I still did not say anything, they used a cigarette ighter to burn my hair and pubic hair, and they beat my testicles. They burned my face and hands with a cigarette, and stuck toothpicks into my fingernails and toe nails one at a time. After that, they asked me if I would confess or not. I shook my head no. At that time, I already had no strength left to speak. They became even more angry. So they inserted a very long needle through my cheek and through my tongue. Then they pulled it out and inserted it in again, which made both of my cheeks become bloody and festered. After that, they inserted the needle through my nasal cavity and lifted it. I called on Master loudly during the suffering. They stopped at once. And after that they did not brutally torture me any more. Later, after I studied Master's "Touring North America to Teach the Fa," I understood it was our merciful Master who saved me.

I understood I should not endure it passively. It was not a place where Dafa practitioners should stay. I held a hunger strike to protest. They tied me on a "Dead Person's Bed" with my four limbs stretched out and tied to the four corners with handcuffs and shackles [the Dead Person's Bed is an icy-cold metal bed. The practitioner cannot move at all. Neither is he allowed to get up to eat, drink, or go to the bathroom. This treatment can last from several hours up to more than a dozen days. This type of cruel torture causes severe damage to the practitioner both mentally and physically]. I was stretched like this round the clock for eleven days straight. On the third day of my hunger strike, they inserted a stomach tube in my mouth to force feed me, and fed me with large amounts of table salt. At that time, I was already paralytic and too weak to speak. I had only one thought left in my mind, "I am definitely able to leave here. They must release me." On the eleventh day of the hunger strike, the director of the police department and members in the prosecutor's office came to see me (because they did not want to sentence me to forced labor, but imprisonment, and they said that I was a "leader," so my case was transferred to the prosecutor). The prison doctor said I was approaching death. They decided to release me and informed the local police station to take me back.

Several days later after I went back home, I went into an unconscious state. Through my family members' timely efforts and the expenses of over 2,000 Yuan, I narrowly escaped death and recovered. The evil policemen came to my home every day and also hired several people to watch me around the clock. I knew that they wanted to take me away again as soon as I recovered a little. In order not to go through the cruel torture again, I slipped away from home that night. I am still destitute and homeless so that I can avoid being unlawfully arrested at home.

Jiang's regime brutally tortures Dafa practitioners. The means they use are more vicious than anything seen in history and cannot be accepted by modern society. However, what I encountered is just one example of the countless injustices suffered.