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Latest News from China - 11/10/2003

Nov. 22, 2003


  1. [Puning City, Guangdong Province] Dafa Practitioners Ji Zhitong and Xu Jingchuan have been on a Hunger Strike for more than 20 Days to Protest the Illegal Persecution
  2. [Beijing] National Security Personnel Arrest Practitioners Sun Jiliang and Lei Jiangtao
  3. [Jingzhou City, Hubei Province] Three Dafa Materials-Production Centers are Destroyed
  4. [Longkou City, Shandong Province] Practitioner Wang Wenqiang is Arrested
  5. [Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province] Police Destroy A Dafa Materials Production Site
  6. [Gansu Province] Court Secretly Sentences Numerous Dafa Practitioners
  7. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Dafa Practitioner Chen Guilan is Detained at the Masanjia Concentration Camp
  8. [Heilongjiang Province] Illegal Arrest of Liu Fengzhen And Two Other Dafa Practitioners
  9. [Xingcheng City, Liaoning Province] A Collaborator Who Persecutes Dafa Practitioners Receives Retribution

[Puning City, Guangdong Province] Dafa Practitioners Ji Zhitong and Xu Jingchuan have been on a Hunger Strike for more than 20 Days to Protest the Illegal Persecution

Puning City police authorities illegally arrested practitioners Mr. Ji Zhitong and Mr. Xu Jingchuan at their homes and put them into the city's detention center. They have been on a hunger strike for more than 20 days.

Puning City Detention Center: 86-663-227652, 2235730.

[Beijing] National Security Personnel Arrest Practitioners Sun Jiliang and Lei Jiangtao

Mr. Sun Jiliang, 24, graduated from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications in 2002 and currently works at a company in Beijing. Mr. Lei Jiangtao, 27, is from the Langfang City/Hebei Province and graduated from a local university.

Lei Jiangtao and Sun Jiliang are good friends and both practice Falun Gong. On October 30, Lei Jiangtao went to visit Sun Jiliang in Beijing. On October 31, Beijing National Security personnel illegally arrested them. Their whereabouts are unclear. They are kind people and good at their work.

[Jingzhou City, Hubei Province] Three Dafa Materials-Production Centers are Destroyed

Police destroyed three Dafa materials-production sites in Jingzhou City/Hubei Province. This happened because some practitioners did not pay attention to security issues when using cellular phones when the three materials sites communicated with each other.

[Longkou City, Shandong Province] Practitioner Wang Wenqiang is Arrested

In the evening of November 3, 2003, Mr. Wang Wenqiang from Longkou City/Shandong Province has been illegally arrested.

[Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province] Police Destroy A Dafa Materials Production Site

In the morning of November 6, 2003, one computer, one laser printer, one color inkjet printer, one compact disk "burner" and one laminator were lost at a residential building in Zhaoyuan City's Traffic Police Brigade. A materials production site in Longkou City, Shandong Province lost a photocopier, a speed printer, and all other materials for making self-adhesive stickers.

Dafa practitioners Ms. Cong Peiqing, Ms. Kong Fanhua and Ms. Ma Lianfeng were arrested.

[Gansu Province] Court Secretly Sentences Numerous Dafa Practitioners

On the evening of March 11, 2003, police arrested four Dafa practitioners while they were clarifying the truth. They were secretly sentenced recently by Wuwei Liangzhou District's Court. Below is the detailed information:

Mr. Wei Xinhua and his wife, Ms. Gu Yuzhen (around 65 years old), were sentenced to six years of imprisonment.

Ms. Han Xiuzhen was sentenced to four years of imprisonment; this sentence would be served outside of prison.

Ms. Lu Guiying was sentenced to three years of imprisonment, with a postponement of four years.

Wei Xinhua, Gu Yuzhen, and Han Xiuzhen have clarified the truth to specific personnel numerous times, in an open and dignified manner. They have effectively exposed the evil.

Telephone of Wuwei Region Police Department Director: 86-935-2212670

Deputy director: 86-935-2212669, 2213525, 2215653, 2223037

[Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Dafa Practitioner Chen Guilan is Detained at the Masanjia Concentration Camp

At 9:00 a.m. on August 1, 2003, policeman Liu Changlin from the Longshan Police Station, Chaoyang City duped Dafa practitioner Ms. Chen Guilan into leaving her home, then sent her directly to the Masanjia Concentration Camp. She is now detained at Team No. 1 in Division No. 1 of the camp.

[Heilongjiang Province] Illegal Arrest of Liu Fengzhen And Two Other Dafa Practitioners

On October 15, 2003, banners reading, "Falun Dafa is Good," "Bring Jiang and His Accomplices to Justice," and other sayings written with red ink appeared along many streets in Fangzheng County/Heilongjiang Province. Policemen were terror-stricken. They used this as an excuse to require people to produce photo ID in a door-to-door search for Dafa practitioners. Ms. Liu Fengzhen and two other Dafa practitioners have been arrested and another practitioner was forced to leave home to avoid illegal arrest.

Personnel, their units and responsibilities connected with this incident:

Fangzheng County's Detention Center, phone number: 86-451-57124253

Chou Yongsheng, the Chief of National Security Team of Fangzheng County's Police Department, 86-451-57124620 (O); 86-451-55055668 (H)

[Xingcheng City, Liaoning Province] A Collaborator Who Persecutes Dafa Practitioners Receives Retribution

Zhang Shiming, an engineer for the No. 750 Nuclear Industry Factory in Xingcheng City/ Liaoning Province, became a collaborator and assisted the vicious persecutors after having been brainwashed. In the middle of October, in pursuit of a petty profit of 35 Yuan a day (US$6.85) and three meals, Zhang Shiming went to the city's Xifei Sanatorium to aid and abet, and to "transform" illegally arrested Dafa practitioners. An employee's wife who didn't practice Falun Gong pleaded with him not to do such a despicable thing. Zhang refused to listen to her. Instead, he continuously abused the women and claimed that he didn't fear any retribution. Several days later, the day before his daughter's wedding on October 18, he was hit by a car and is now undergoing treatment in a hospital. "Good is rewarded with good, and evil brings its own reward," the old saying goes.

Zhang Shiming's home phone number: 86-429-5480563