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Wuhan City Dafa Practitioner, Peng Qingqing, Appeals for Help to Rescue Her Husband

Nov. 22, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net) October 6, 2003, was the date set for people visiting their relatives detained in the Hewan Forced Labor Camp of Wuhan City, Hubei Province. I went there in the early morning, hoping to see my husband Yan Zhigang this time. Since Jiang's political gang of scoundrels has been cruelly persecuting Falun Dafa practitioners, I have not seen my husband for three years. Though he had been detained in the Hewan Forced Labor Camp for more than one year, I was not permitted to visit him even though I went to Hewan many times.

At 8:00am, I saw a section leader of the No. 2 Brigade at registration desk. I told him, "I am Yan Zhigang's wife and hope to see him." He asked for my identification card. I said, "I don't have it. You confiscated my identification card several years ago. My mother and mother-in-law who are with me can be witnesses. Furthermore, I have come here many times and you have checked our permanent residence booklet before. I am a Falun Gong practitioner and I won't lie since Falun Gong practitioners are all good people." Then the policeman became irrational and started yelling, "As long as you are Falun Gong practitioner, you are not allowed to see anyone. If you stay here I will call police to arrest you!" I said, "I prefer to stay here to let people come to know that you are evil, you are framing an innocent person, and you are depriving a Falun Gong practitioner of her civil rights. You are deliberately breaking the law and which makes you doubly guilty." He angrily picked up a cell phone and called the police from local police station to come.

At that moment, other bystanders started worrying about me and said with sympathy, "Lady, leave right now. They are absolutely lawless persons and they can do any evil thing they want to. Don't let them get you." I said with a smile, "I fear nothing. What he said doesn't count. They have kidnapped me nine times. He can do no harm to me today. My Teacher said, 'One righteous mind can subdue one hundred evils.' (Zhuan Falun)"

After a while, a young armed policeman arrived. I went to him and told him the facts. I told him how good Falun Dafa is from my own experience, told him about Jiang's evil deeds, and the persecution we suffered. The armed policeman was sympathetic and left. Seeing his evil trick didn't work, that Hewan policeman called his friend, a policeman on patrol, to come and arrest me. That policeman on patrol aggressively asked me to go with him to a police station, helping them to check my identification. Then, I calmly said to the policeman, "I am a practitioner and we practitioners never lie. He said I was making trouble. There is an imposed persecution on me and I am not standing for it. According to the laws of our country there is a rule that I should be able to see my husband. It is you that have violated the law. My name is Peng Qingqing, which you can check out for yourselves. I will never go with you. Who gives you the authority to take me away? Which legal provision have I violated? Everyone is watching what you are doing." Then, my mother also came up and said to them, "If you want to take her, you'd better take me, too." I immediately sent forth righteous thoughts. Soon after that, the officer left.

I am here appealing to righteous organizations and individuals from various circles. Let's stop the persecution and the destroying and killing of kind Dafa practitioners. Please come to my husband Yan Zhigang's rescue!