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Hong Kong: Falun Gong Practitioners Launch Rescue Campaign; Wayne Tang Is Released While Xue-ying Fu Is still in Custody in Mainland China (Photos)

Nov. 22, 2003 |   By Hong Kong Falun Gong practitioner

(Clearwisdom.net) Two Hong Kong Falun Gong practitioners were illegally detained by the Mainland regime in the past 30 days. On November 19, 2003, together with relatives of these two practitioners, Hong Kong Falun Gong practitioners and global organizations for the rescue of Falun Gong practitioners initiated a series of rescue efforts. Just one day after the case was exposed to the public, Wayne Tang was released.

Wayne Tang, 51, is a businessman who went to Shenzhen recently for business. On November 13, in the company run by his relatives, he was arrested together with three local Falun Gong practitioners by agents of the National Security Bureau. The government later charged him with organizing Falun Gong activities and intended to put him under house arrest. In the press conference, Mr. Tang's mother and two sisters were all very worried about his safety and cried. They hoped the Hong Kong government, legislative councils and the public would help rescue Mr.Tang. His mother is more than 80 years old.

About 50 Hong Kong Falun Gong practitioners and relatives participated in a rescue rally in Hong Kong's Chater Gardens. Another victim, Xue-ying Fu, is 28 years old. She just immigrated to Hong Kong three months ago. She was arrested in Shenzhen on October 30, 2003. Police charged her with distributing Falun Gong VCDs. Practitioners and her relatives pointed out that she was only exercising her legal right to freedom of speech and belief. Her husband Zhi-wen Feng said that when he went to Shenzhen to investigate her situation, police there did not provided him any legal reason to detain his wife.

Practitioners and relatives hold a press conference to call for the rescue of the practitioners detained in China Huge banner full of the signatures of the public in support of the rescue effort
Legislative councilor James To talks with the relatives of the detained practitioners Practitioners and the relatives of the detained practitioners march towards the Hong Kong government compound to appeal

Accompanied by representatives of global organizations for the rescue of Falun Gong practitioners, the relatives of Wayne Tang and Xue-ying Fu went to the Legislative Council to present appeal letters. Democratic party councilor James To came out to meet with the relatives and asked about the plight of the detained practitioners.

Shortly afterward, the relatives and some Falun Gong practitioners marched towards the government compound to present an appeal letter to the Chief Executive.