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Falun Gong Practitioners in Washington D.C. Protest Chinese Government's Efforts to Brainwash Charles Li

Nov. 23, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net) In its attempt to eradicate Falun Gong, Jiang's regime resorts to brainwashing, an inhumane mental persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. In the past month, Charles Li, an American citizen detained in China, has been forced to go through brainwashing every day. It is well known that forcing a person to give up his belief is the same as forcing him to give up his conscience and dignity, and it is a clear violation of human rights. The brutality of brainwashing is no less severe than physical torture.

According to a report from Radio Free Asia on November 15th, Falun Gong practitioners held a press conference on Friday (November 14th) in front of the Chinese embassy in Washington, D.C. to protest the Chinese government's attempt to force Charles Li to give up his belief in Falun Gong.

Huang Zuwei, a Falun Gong spokesman in Washington D.C., said, "Today we come here to help rescue our friend and Falun Gong practitioner Charles Li, who is suffering brainwashing in a Chinese prison."

The report said that the gathering started with Huang Zuwei's speech. As usual, the appeal was quiet and peaceful. At this gathering, there was a big banner reading "Release American Citizen Charles Li," along with pictures of him.

In response to the intense effort to brainwash Charles Li, Falun Gong practitioner Ge Yifu said, "During the detention, the Chinese government has been trying all means to force Charles Li to give up his belief. In the past several years, the Chinese government has been controlling public opinion tightly, not allowing different opinions to be voiced. Charles Li went back to China because he wanted to break through that information blockade."

The report said, Yeong-Ching Foo, fiancée of Charles Li, was not able to come to the appeal, but she accepted a telephone interview. She expressed her gratitude to Falun Gong practitioners for their efforts to rescue Charles. Ms. Foo, who hasn't seen her fiancé for over 10 months, strongly requested the immediate release of Charles. She hopes more people will come join the efforts to rescue Charles after they learn what is happening to him.