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Practitioners Mr. Gu Yunpeng and Ms. Li Lichun Are Illegally Arrested in Harbin City

Nov. 24, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net) Mr. Gu Yunpeng is an employee of the Hafei Auto Factory, where he manages a computer department. On October 31, 2003 he was arrested because of e-mails he sent regarding Falun Gong, and was taken to the Harbin Public Security Bureau. He has been illegally imprisoned because he refuses to write the "Three Statements. *"

Dafa practitioner Ms. Li Lichun has also been illegally sentenced to three years of forced labor in Harbin. Ms. Li Lichun was an employee of Dongqing Factory in Pinfang District of Harbin. In May 2003, she was arrested due to her truth clarifying activities. She refused to write the "Three Statements" and reveal the source of her truth clarifying materials. She is now imprisoned in the First Detention Center in Harbin.

*The "Three Statements": Practitioners are coerced under brainwashing and torture to write these as proof that they have given up their belief. Created by the "610 Office," the three statements consist of a letter of repentance, a guarantee to never again practice Falun Gong, and a list of names and addresses of all family members, friends and acquaintances who are practitioners.