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Torture Instead of Healing Leads to a Fifty Percent Death Rate for Practitioners at the Public Security Hospital in Jilin Province

Nov. 29, 2003 |   By a Dafa Practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) When I heard that Liu Chengjun was admitted to the Public Security Hospital located in Jilin Province, I became very anxious. I remembered my own persecution experiences, having spent just four days in that hospital. I personally saw how the aim of the so-called "hospital" was basically not to cure or help Falun Dafa practitioners but instead was exactly the opposite. The persecution of Falun Gong practitioners was taken a step further there. I thoroughly came to understand the essence of the evil in their attempt to create a news blockade, the intensity of their aggravated persecution, and their fabrication of lies.

In 2000, because I persisted in my practice of Falun Dafa, I was illegally detained for a year at the Heizuizi Forced Labor Camp in Changchun. Because I remained steadfast in my belief in the Falun Dafa principles of, "Zhen, Shan, Ren" (Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance), another year was added to my detention. In November 2001, when I witnessed the brutal persecution of recently detained Dafa practitioners being shocked with the electric baton, given harsh corporal punishment and not allowed to sleep while being detained under duress at the forced labor camp, I decided to embark on a hunger strike. I made three demands of the leader of the forced labor camp: (1) To cease using the electric baton to shock people, and cease imposing corporal punishment upon practitioners in order to coerce them to renounce their belief and practice of Falun Dafa; (2) Not to extend my sentence which was illegal; (3) Release all Dafa practitioners who were illegally detained. When the leader heard my demands, he said that it was impossible for them to comply. On the third day I was forced-fed twice a day to the extent that I only narrowly escaped death. On the eleventh day, seeing that they could not change my will, they sent me to the Public Security Hospital.

Before my admission to the Public Security Hospital, they demanded two thousand yuan from my younger brother, saying that the amount was for my medical fees. On December 9, the officers in charge of the forced labor camp, the supervisor and the doctor of the sanitation department escorted me in a vehicle to the Public Security Hospital. They threatened me continuously all the way to the hospital, saying: "You are not eating your meals, as you thought we were harsh, but wait till you get to the hospital. Then you will know what you will incur! Wang Kefei was tough, did he not eat his meals when he was sent there?" (Wang Kefei died at the end of 2001 at the Public Security Hospital from the abuse he received there.)

After I passed the iron gates of the Public Security Hospital, it was as if I were enclosed in a small cage. The supervisor of the hospital threatened me: "If you refuse to eat, we will do an "amputation" on you, as we will not tolerate you!" At that instant, I realized the degree of evil there and what was awaiting me. I thought of Chen Limei of the Fourth Brigade who was recently discharged from the hospital. Because she went on a hunger strike in protest of her illegal detention, she was sent to the hospital after about ten days. Seeing that the place was too evil, she began to eat. Because the medical bill was too exorbitant, her family was unable to pay. In spite of that, she was detained at the hospital for more than twenty days, and then sent back to the forced labor camp for more persecution. When I arrived at the hospital, I observed that she could no longer walk by herself and had to be supported by two persons when she had to go to the toilet. I thought, I must never compromise with the evil and shall continue my hunger strike in protest.

Continuing my hunger strike in the hospital, the supervisor used handcuffs and shackles to fasten me to the bed. I was lying on my back and I could not even move. They then attempted to insert a thick rubber tube up my nose as a means to force-feed me, but because it was too thick, they could not insert it after several attempts. It caused me to cough and I could hardly breath. The supervisor did not bother to see if I were dead or alive but, obstinately, kept on trying to insert the tube into my nostril. After causing me intense physical and mental suffering for a long period of time, they finally succeeded in inserting the tube into my nostril. At that moment I was sweating profusely and though I could still breath, I lost all my strength. Then they shouted: "There's more to come!" and commenced to forcibly insert a catheter in my urethra (a tube to convey away urine). It was so painful my whole body was trembling. I could hardly breath. The pain was excruciating and I felt I was on the borderline of life and death. At that moment I thought of the great suffering borne by Teacher, and also the great pain borne by Jesus when he was nailed to the cross because he offered salvation to mankind. Tears rolled down close to my lips and I gritted my teeth and withstood the intense pain. That was how they left me on the bed, inserting a tube for the saline drip, and the supervisor roaring a command: "No one may attend to her. There are to be no nurses in this place!" When the catheter began to leak, they refused to replace it and I was soaked with urine.

There were two criminal inmates and a Dafa practitioner with me at that time. When the practitioner noticed that my mattress was soiled with urine, she placed a bedpan under my lower body. When I tried to sleep, it felt as if my lower back had been fractured. It was so painful I had difficulty tolerating it. That night I had a lot of phlegm and being shackled to the bed, I could not look after myself. When there was too much phlegm and I could not cough it up, I almost suffocated. The practitioner, who shared the room, silently came over and removed the phlegm with her fingers and looked after me the whole night. The next day she was removed from the room. The supervisor said: "She is gone now, let us see who will look after you." They inserted the force-feeding tube but it would not always work (over the past four days they had only force fed me once with some milk made from the milk powder and once with lime juice supplied by my younger brother). "We will not remove the tube but will let you suffer!" After the tube was in my nostril for a long period, my throat became completely swollen and I coughed continuously. Because no one attended to me, and as I was restrained to the bed, I could only turn my head a little to spit the phlegm out. It resulted in the phlegm dripping all over my body. The catheter was leaking, and the floor was getting wet with urine. The criminal inmate took off my cotton padded pants to mop the floor. She was swearing at me for making the room dirty. During the day, they complained that I was filthy and went to another room. They left the windows of the room open. It was the northern winter in December during that time, and I was restrained to my bed only wearing my under clothes and only had a urine soaked blanket to cover myself up to my chest. I could not move and was suffering from aches and pains, the frigid cold, the scolding and abuse, all mingled together. My suffering was intense.

One of the criminal inmates spoke to me: " I have been here for more than a year, and I have seen a lot. Why did Yu Lixin, who was from the municipal government office also have to bear the persecution? Because no one cared for her, she was finally tossed out onto the corridor!" (After I was released, I was told that Dafa practitioner Yu Lixin went on a hunger strike to protest. She was confined at that hospital for four months. The hospital did not allow any one to attend to her either. They also forced fed her. When her catheter leaked, the urine soaking her mixed with her feces. Her body was covered with bedsores. On May 4, 2002, she passed away at the Public Security Hospital.)

They forced the saline solution IV drip on me, and upon every occasion that they finished inserting the needle, they just did not care anymore. I could only ask for help from the criminal inmate sharing the room to extract the needle when the solution was finished. She always scolded me angrily. Often, the needle came out of the vein and no one cared or checked it. The need penetrated my muscles, causing the saline drip to give me edema. My legs and feet were swollen. The pain caused my body to tremble. The next day when the doctor examined me, a phone call was made to the forced labor camp.

On the third day, when the saline solution ran out, no one bothered to extract the needle. The bottle was empty. [Note: Medically trained personnel know that it is extremely dangerous to leave an empty IV in a person as it can cause air to be pushed into the vein and give the person an embolism which can cause death]. I was in a dazed condition and felt as if I were asleep. I did not know how much time had passed when I opened my eyes to see the empty bottle still hanging there, yet I was still alive! A warm current surged in my heart. Oh! Merciful Teacher, your disciple will certainly do well and not disappoint your merciful and benevolent salvation of all sentient beings! I do not comprehend clearly what venerable Teacher has to bear in the process! At that moment, the supervisor suddenly appeared and saw the empty bottle hanging there. The criminal inmate was admonished: "Why did you not pay attention? The medicine has finished!" The inmate replied: "She made the room filthy. I don't care!"

On the fourth day, the forced labor camp released people, and my younger brother took me home. I finally departed from that vicious place of torture. After my release, I heard the news: The death rate at the Public Security Hospital was 50%.

I strongly urge all righteous people in the world to please help stop the horrific crimes being committed by the Public Security Hospital and those who are persecuting Falun Dafa practitioners. Because Dafa practitioner Liu Chengjun tried to let the public know about the extent of the persecution against Falun Dafa, he is still suffering untold hardships and is confined there until present. We cannot tolerate the brutal persecution of the Dafa practitioners by the evil any longer.