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Illegal Trial of 13 Dafa Practitioners in Dehui City, Jilin Province Offends Heaven and Earth

Nov. 29, 2003

November 17, 2003


I. Announcements Just for Show

On November 13, 2003, two announcements were posted early in the morning at the gate of the city court of Dehui City, Jilin Province, proclaiming the upcoming trial of 13 Dafa practitioners on November 14. At around 9:00 am, by the time the relatives arrived, the announcements were torn up and only a little of the beginning was left. For all 13 practitioners to be put on trial, only relatives of Mr. Jiang Wenbin, Mr. Wei Guangxue, Mr. Zhang Wenfeng had received notices, and thus came to apply for visitor permits. The relatives of the other practitioners did not receive any notice whatsoever, and they only came one after another after their relatives or friends had informed them about it.

II. Tight Security

Dehui City's law enforcement agencies had set up in-depth defenses for the upcoming trial on November 14. To prevent Dafa practitioners from displaying banners and using loudspeakers to expose the truth, in four rooms on the first floor of the courthouse the lights were left on all night, and assigned personnel inspected the building constantly. Police cars patrolled the streets for most of the night. They also asked for a special lift and inspected all the buildings facing the courthouse early in the morning.

III. Acting As If They Were Facing a Formidable Enemy

Around 8:00 am of November 14, many traffic control cars and police cars were parked on both sides of the courthouse, and police warning lines were set up in front of the gate with the door of the gate tightly closed. Two rows of armed police waited with shields and heavy clubs in their hands, bailiffs and policemen were packed on both sides, and even the roof of the courthouse building was guarded.

IV. Practitioners' Righteousness

In order to intimidate the evil and clarify the truth, Dafa practitioners in Dehui City, with great righteous thoughts, still managed to put up a loud speaker on the roof of a residential building close to the courthouse, even under such intense guard. At 8:30 am, the speaker suddenly started to broadcast the truth. Initially the wind was against the speaker, but after the speaker began broadcasting, the wind changed its direction. Policemen and some relatives of the practitioners around the gate of the courthouse heard the truth-clarification. The speaker worked for about 20 minutes before the armed police took it away with the special lift. It is worth mentioning that on the immediate west of the residential building where the speaker was put up is the Public Security Bureau of Dehui City, and next to it is the Red-Flag Police Station. The righteous act of local practitioners truly surprised and frightened the evil.

V. The Illegal Trial

At this trial, 13 Dafa practitioners were separated into two groups: 6 were tried at 8:30 am and seven were tried at 10:00 am. At half past eight, Mr. Sun Qian and Ms. Liu Dianling were carried into the court. They could not even sit, let alone defend themselves in court. When Mr. Zhang Wenfeng tried to defend himself in court, he was interrupted several times by the personnel of the court and was not even allowed to finish his appeal letter. A few minutes past ten, Dafa practitioners Jia Yunxia, Jiang Chunxian and Yang Jun were transported to the court via several vehicles. Jia Yunxia was tortured so badly that he could not even stand up and was carried into the court. Dafa practitioner Jiang Chunxian testified Dafa in the court but was also forced to stop several times.

Every relative of the practitioners was watched over by two people and were treated like criminals. They were not even allowed to turn around and look at their loved ones who were separated from them for over a year. The relatives were forced to sit down even when they attempted to speak.

The weather on that day was quite unusual; it was dark all day long. Especially at a little bit past ten, strong winds started to blow, and clouds of dust were flying up in the streets. This lasted till 1:00 pm in the afternoon. The winds did not stop until the trial of Dafa practitioners ended. This trial of the 13 practitioners and the persecution of Dafa by the evil to this extent had offended both heaven and earth.

VI. Law Abused by the Law Enforcement Agencies

The above 13 Dafa practitioners have been illegally sentenced to detention for over a year already. The law enforcement agencies of Dehui City disguised their act of extending the detention with prosecution withdrawal and jurisdiction change etc. What they did was completely against what is written in the law that 'extended detention is illegal'. Not only did they not release the practitioners, but they also illegally tried them in court, saying that even if Dafa practitioners were too weak to defend themselves and were carried to court, they would still be tried. It has been reported that in order to deceive the public, Dehui City's law enforcement agencies asked a local detention camp to inject drugs to those practitioners who had been on hunger strike and were too weak to move around. All these facts will be noted in the criminal records of those in the law enforcement agencies of Dehui City who have abused the law and disregarded human lives.