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Two Sisters' Righteous Thoughts and Actions Thwart Police Plans to Persecute Many Practitioners

Nov. 29, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net) In a certain town in Jilin Province, there lived two sisters, both dedicated Dafa practitioners. During the second half of the year 2000 when evil was surging to its climax in forced labor camps, the elder sister, while being imprisoned, was upholding very strong righteous thoughts and was persistent with her Dafa practice. Despite all the cruel brainwashing techniques applied, the police failed to make her submit or change her mind even slightly. During the final days of her captivity at the camp, she was enlightened to this fact -- under all circumstances, when righteous thoughts are proactively upheld, evil elements will be removed. Her faith was demonstrated when she walked out nobly from the evil camp, just a few days after protesting her rightful action with a hunger strike. After leaving the camp, she boldly took up the lead in Fa-rectification activities once again. Her sister was also blacklisted for appealing in Beijing earlier.

In May 2003, in the town where the two sisters lived, an operation was being planned by the police to round up sixty to seventy Falun Gong practitioners and send them to brainwashing classes. Just before the operation took place, someone reported seeing the two sisters distributing Dafa truth-clarifying materials in a nearby village. Following that lead, the police immediately sent out a team to arrest them. Losing no time, the two sisters immediately clarified the truth to the chief of police in a certain police station, who simply refused to listen. The two were sent straight to a detention center, and just before entering, the elder sister smiled at the head officer and said, "Just watch, within a few days, you will send us home the same way you brought us here."

While under detention, the two sisters went on a hunger strike to protest. The police then decided to send them to a forced labor camp instead. On the way, the two sisters continued clarifying the truth to them, and at the same time reminded them of the principle that good is rewarded, and evil meets with karmic retribution. However, on arriving at the forced labor camp, the officer at the admissions, remembering the two sisters whose righteous thoughts and actions had once intimidated all the camp officers, refused to admit them. They brought up all sorts of excuses to reject them, and insisted that the two were too sick and not fit to stay at the camp. Despite all his persuasiveness and feelings of disgust, the chief of police said to the camp officer, "From now on, I am not sending a single Falun Gong practitioner to your camp."

On driving the sisters back to town, the police chief said to the sisters, "Do what you like from now on (he meant distributing truth clarifying flyers), as long as it is not in my presence. To arrest the two of you this time, we had to spent hundreds of yuan. Who is going to pay for those expenses?" The sisters laughed, "Just don't arrest us next time, and you will be fine."

The original conspiracy to arrest about 60 to 70 practitioners that month was now called off, because of the righteous thoughts and actions of the two sisters. Since then, no more Dafa practitioners have been arrested in this town.