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Taiwan: Changhua County "Falun Dafa Summer Camp" (Photos) (Excerpt)

Nov. 29, 2003 |   By a practitioner from Changhua, Taiwan

(Clearwisdom.net) On August 9 and 10, 2003, Taiwan's Changhua County practitioners organized a summer camp for both young practitioners and non-practitioner children in Shetou Township Kindergarten for Gifted Children. Though the practitioners didn't have any experience in organizing a summer camp, they understood the purpose of the activity was to plant the seeds of "Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance" into these pure and honest hearts.

Local practitioners gathered to discuss the activities for the summer camp. One practitioner said that the content of the summer camp should be considered based on the Fa, as this model will be left for the future people. The director of the kindergarten also came to join the preparation and discussion. She was very supportive and gave us many good suggestions. There was a lot of interference, and many attachments surfaced, like the heart of showing off, accomplishing certain things, tribulations from family members, etc, but the practitioners cooperated with each other well and overcame the difficulties.

After two days of the summer camp, the kindergarteners could recite Teacher's words like "give up attachments" and "cultivation".

The teachers told stories about the "Water Crystal Experiment" to show that good intentions and good thoughts could make things better. They told the children about Falun Dafa being spread all over the world, the relationship between virtue and karma, and moving stories of the practitioners' courage in facing the persecution. The children liked the stories so much that they wanted to skip the art class to learn more from "Hongyin". (A collection of poems written by Teacher)

On the afternoon of the second day, the parents were invited to watch the children's show. Though they had little time to prepare for the dances, songs and poems, they were very devoted to the performance. The children's attitude changed so much in two days.

After the performance, the director of the kindergarten asked us to continue the summer camp next year, and the parents also gave us a lot of positive feedback.