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Clarify the Truth Completely and Thoroughly to Chinese People Living Abroad

Dec. 11, 2003 |   By an overseas Dafa practitioner

(Clearwisdom.net) Teacher said,

"Chinese people who are living abroad have countless ties with Mainland China, as their relatives and friends are all in China, and there are a lot of people who travel back and forth often. When they see the situation with Dafa around the world they'll talk about it when they're in China, talk about it with their family and friends--they're a form of one-on-one media. Regardless of how much they understand about Dafa, whether they're able to comprehend it or not, they'll go back and tell people about the situation." ("Explaining the Fa During the 2003 Lantern Festival at the U.S. West Fa Conference")

Dafa practitioners who are no longer in China are in a perfect position to show their local Chinese communities that Falun Dafa has been spread around the world. Every Dafa practitioner outside of China should take this historic responsibility of clarifying the truth about Falun Dafa and the persecution against Falun Dafa to local Chinese people thoroughly.

There is a relatively new Dafa practitioner in our area, who obtained the Fa less than a year ago. Recently, he has been out nearly every day, looking for Chinese people everywhere he goes and clarifying the truth to them. He clarifies the truth to Chinese people in the business districts, the Chinese supermarkets, college libraries, college computer centers, college cafeterias, etc. He not only distributes Chinese pamphlets and VCD's that contain the truth about Falun Dafa and the persecution, but also enthusiastically and merrily shares his story of cultivation, where he went through a positive transformation of mind and body. He also answers everyone's questions very patiently. Within just a few months, more than 300 Chinese people have already learned the truth about Falun Dafa from him.

There is another story of truth-clarification that took place in our area. A visiting Chinese student came to live with a relative in our area, who happens to be a Dafa practitioner. She learned the truth about Falun Dafa in a natural way by observing daily the speech and conduct of her relative. When she went back to China for vacation, she clarified the truth about Falun Gong to her family, relatives, and former classmates without any fear. Her truth-clarification efforts in China were very successful. According to her, the people in China enjoyed listening to a scholar who had been abroad talking about her life and experiences in another country. She also confirmed that the information about Falun Gong is completely sealed in China. When her family, relatives, and former classmates heard reports that "Falun Dafa is widely spread around the world," "Dafa practitioners may practice Falun Gong freely in other countries," and "the international community supports Dafa practitioners in China," their eyes lit up with interest and surprise.

Practicing Falun Gong exercises outdoors is also a good way to clarify the truth to Chinese people living abroad. Dafa practitioners in my area promote Falun Dafa and demonstrate Falun Gong exercises on a regular basis in the business districts of our city as well as in neighboring cities. Our Fa-promotion activities are very appealing to passersby when they see eastern and western people practice Falun Gong exercises together. In each Fa-promotion activity, we run into a good number of Chinese people. Some of them would ask for truth-clarification materials and sign petitions to help rescue Dafa practitioners illegally detained in China. Some hesitated to take truth-clarification materials from us, but eventually accepted them. There are also a few individual Chinese people who refused to take the truth-clarification materials. When we introduce Falun Dafa and demonstrate Falun Gong exercises outdoors, every Chinese passerby will have an opportunity to understand the truth about Falun Dafa and the persecution against Falun Dafa, or they will at least witness with their own eyes that Falun Gong is a popular cultivation practice in every country outside China. It is like what Teacher has said,

"Regardless of how much they understand about Dafa, whether they're able to comprehend it or not, they'll go back and tell people about the situation." ("Explaining the Fa During the 2003 Lantern Festival at the U.S. West Fa Conference")

The key to clarifying the truth to Chinese people living abroad is not to be discouraged by any unpleasant experience. I once saw a Chinese mother shopping for children's clothes in a store, and offered her a Chinese pamphlet that contained the truth about Falun Dafa and the persecution. She took the pamphlet, took a quick glance at the cover, and returned it to me curtly, "I am not interested in it." Because it was my first time distributing truth-clarification materials, I felt rather hurt by her curt rejection. Because of that, I lost my courage to clarify the truth without feeling hurt, and thus did not actively clarify the truth to other Chinese people for a very long time. Occasionally, I would force myself to distribute truth-clarification materials to Chinese people, but I would walk away quickly and immediately without even glancing back, because I was afraid of new rejections. Then I saw fellow practitioners clarifying the truth in a confident and righteous manner, and felt I should seek inward to find the root cause. Thus I discovered many of my attachments. I realized that I did not clarify the truth with a pure mind. When I clarified the truth to Chinese people, I did it mechanically as if to complete a work quota. I did not clarify the truth altruistically for the sake of their future. I did what a Dafa practitioner should do on the surface but in my heart I secretly hoped, by clarifying the truth to Chinese people, I would be able to do what the Fa requires of me, as well reach the standard for consummation. When I studied the Fa, I saw my attachment to selfishness. When I clarified the truth to Chinese people, I secretly put my personal gain in cultivation as the first priority. When I finally was able to remove the attachment to my personal gains, I suddenly remembered these Chinese people were still waiting for the salvation of Dafa. Now that I have improved my mentality, I am no longer stuck in my feeling of being hurt and staying home passively. Once when I was walking on the street, I ran into one Chinese person after another, totaling over ten Chinese people in one day. That was the first time that I ran into so many Chinese people alone in a day. I offered them truth-clarification VCD's with beautiful covers, and all of them gladly accepted them. This experience has proven that the efforts of clarifying the truth will be successful if we do it with a pure heart. In addition, we must not feel discouraged or defeated because of a little rejection while we clarify the truth. We should persist in clarifying the truth and grasp every opportunity to do so.

There are a lot of Chinese people who often travel back and forth between China and other countries. They are a form of one-on-one media. We should take the opportunity of each encounter with Chinese people to clarify the truth. We should clarify the truth in all available ways and on all available occasions, such as sending short messages to their cellular phones, sending greeting cards with truth-clarification messages, publishing truth-clarification articles and news in overseas Chinese newspapers and magazines, talking to Chinese people on the streets, in colleges, in Chinese residential communities, Chinese social gatherings and merry-making events, etc. As long as we put our pure minds to our truth-clarification efforts, we will continue to improve.