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Moved by Practitioner's Letter, a Public Security Department Official Has a Change of Heart

Feb. 12, 2003 |   By Li Qi

(Clearwisdom.net) A practitioner was unlawfully sentenced to three years in a forced labor camp for upholding his belief in Falun Gong and refusing to yield to officials' unconscionable demands to write a statement denouncing Falun Gong. Three years later, he was taken from the forced labor camp to the Public Security Department that was responsible for imprisoning him. This practitioner was firm in his belief in Falun Gong and refused again to sign any statements to denounce his faith. As a result, the officials in the Security Department transferred him to a detention center as a transition for further imprisonment in the forced labor camp.

Other practitioners, knowing this, exposed what had happened to this practitioner on the Internet. They also publicized the phone number of the security department. Before long, an official involved in the persecution received a letter from a practitioner who earnestly and compassionately asked him to do what was right by releasing the detained practitioner. This official was touched by the letter and his conscience awakened. He went to the detention center to personally and unconditionally release the practitioner. This security official made a good choice, one which will have major positive ramifications on his future as well as the well being of the practitioner and society.