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Some Understandings of the Importance of Rescuing U.S. Citizen Charles Li

Feb. 12, 2003 |   By a Dafa practitioner in Boston

(Clearwisdom.net) Through sharing thoughts with fellow practitioners from the perspective of the Fa, I have gained a clearer personal understanding of the completely unreasonable act of Charles Li's arrest by Chinese authorities immediately upon his arrival. I would like to share this understanding with you here.

From Germany to Iceland, the evil has spread its persecution against Falun Gong to overseas, and attempted to coerce governments in Western countries to become its accomplice, from its accusations against Swedish and Hong Kong practitioners of blocking the sidewalk in Hong Kong, to Hong Kong's Article 23, the evil is in fact attempting to legalize the expansion of persecution abroad. This time, it blatantly kidnapped, arrested and detained Australian citizen Nancy Chen and United States citizen Charles Li.

China is not a country ruled by law. The government has never followed the law in its treatment of Falun Gong practitioners. It threatens attorneys not to defend Falun Gong practitioners. Teacher said that,

"All of the excuses it's used to suppress us are fabricated lies. The society's propaganda machines are all directed by it through its power, and they've spread a lot of huge and outrageous lies among the Chinese people and the rest of the world's people." ("Teaching the Fa at the 2002 Fa Conference in Philadelphia, U.S.A.")

Therefore we must completely negate all of the evil's so-called accusations, slander and attempts to frame us.

As Dafa practitioners around the world filed a lawsuit against Jiang, and as this lawsuit was acknowledged by related law agencies, and as the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong was founded and announced its investigation has begun, the old forces are trying their best to obstruct Fa-rectification. Interference and persecution come swiftly, one after another. On the surface, the evil is extremely rampant, but in fact it is terrified. Just as Master has said,

"Whether it's inside or outside China, all the same, although there are still a lot of beings who've been misled by the evil's propaganda, overall, in other dimensions the strength of the evil and the strength of the righteous are no longer in balance. The strength of the righteous has tipped the scales in its favor as far as they go. Those evil beings can't hold up now. The wicked people in the world might seem so evil, but that's actually just arranged by the old forces."

"The evil has exhausted its tricks, and the Dafa disciples have matured through the tempering." ("Teaching the Fa at the 2002 Fa Conference in Philadelphia, U.S.A.")

The unreasonable detentions of Nancy and Charles are not tribulations of single practitioners, or the things from certain regions. They have come for Dafa and all of us as a whole. When we place our attention on a certain practitioner to see if he/she has attachments; or if we only put our attention and efforts on the projects we are currently doing; or if we merely pay attention to the people and things in our own region and country, the old force would then use all means to separate us from forming a whole body.

We must look at things from the perspective of the Fa-rectification instead of from the angle of individual cultivation. We should fully realize that the persecution of one practitioner is the persecution against our whole body. We should apply similar rescue efforts regardless of where the persecution happens, be it in Australia, the US or China, regardless of whether it happens to a practitioner himself, to his family or to fellow practitioners in China. Practitioners in different regions, countries and continents should act together as one body and clarify the truth to government and media in all countries, and to thereby save people on a large scale.

"Without human action happening under cosmic changes, such conditions would not have been brought to ordinary human society, and neither would they be called cosmic changes." (Zhuan Falun)

When our xinxing has reached the standard as a whole, when Dafa practitioners around the world have the righteous, rock-solid belief in Dafa, and direct our righteous actions with the righteous thought of "In control of Heaven and Earth, rectifying the human realm," ("The Foretelling") the cosmic changes will then manifest.

The successful rescue effort for Nancy Chen from the Australian practitioners was the result of their exchange of understandings based on the Fa, and of being clear on Fa principles. As a whole, they actively joined in the rescue effort and clarified the truth. The Australian government and the whole of society were called upon. They actively joined in the rescue effort and righteously placed themselves. Nancy has returned to Australia and many people have been saved.

On the unreasonable detention of Charles Li, we must keep powerful righteous thoughts and completely negate the old forces' arrangements and deny even the existence of the old forces themselves. We must do our best with all means in the rescue effort, thoroughly clarify the truth and save people.