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Sending Righteous Thoughts To Eliminate a Photo Display Contrived to Defame Falun Dafa

Feb. 18, 2003 |   By a Practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) One year ago, the public display board in the central area of my home city showed a photo display full of lies and defamation against Falun Gong. I started to send righteous thoughts after seeing it, "Remove the display that defames Falun Gong." Two days later, I saw the photo display was still there. I thought that one person's power might not be enough, so I asked my wife to go with me to send righteous thoughts together, but it was still not effective. So I decided to take some action. I made some brief, truth-clarifying materials, and planned to put them on the display window. At the time, the thought was very righteous.

In broad daylight, it was very crowded on the street. There were people reading the display boards on both ends of the display window. Just when I walked to the middle of the display window and prepared to post the materials, there was a sudden strong wind that whipped up dust from the ground. People all covered their eyes with their clothing and their sleeves. I took advantage of the opportunity to post the truth-clarifying materials on the display window and quickly left.

When I returned two days later, the truth-clarifying materials had been removed, and the vicious display was still there. Back home, I thought about why the righteous thoughts were not effective. In the evening, when I sent righteous thoughts again, I came up with one thought, "It would be good if the glass of the display window is broken." At the time, I didn't pay too much attention to the thought, but several days later when I passed by the window again, to my surprise, there was a big hole in the window, and one of the photos was already half gone. Two days later, all the photos were removed, and had been replaced by completely different content regarding health and fitness.

I have recently enlightened to the fact that my original failure was because my first thought was not entirely correct. Since the evil was just bad, was just poisonous, how could I simply ask the evil to remove the display that defamed Falun Gong? Only determined elimination should be applied to it!