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Denmark: Letter from a Practitioner to the U. S. Embassy Regarding Imprisoned Practitioner Charles Li

Feb. 19, 2003


16th February 2003 Sunday

Ambassador Stuart Bernstein
Embassy of the United States of America
Dag Hammerskj lds All 24
2100 K benhavn

Your Excellency:

These days the Iraq question is very prominent and overshadows all other problems in the world. But my personal thinking is that China's President Jiang Zemin is the biggest threat to humanity. Under Jiang's regime human rights in China are non-existent.

On January 22nd 2003, Mr. Charles Li, a U.S. citizen of Chinese ethnicity, was detained just after his arrival in China, for no reason apart from the fact that he is a Falun Gong practitioner who believes in the principles of "Truthfulness, Benevolence, Tolerance". Details about Mr. Li s case may be taken from the attached appeal letter from U.S. Senator Diane Feinstein, dated February 7th, 2003, which was sent to the Chinese Authorities. I have full sympathy with Senator Feinstein s appeal.

It would be a shame if the United States Government were not able to protect its own citizens. Therefore, I urge the United States Government to apply maximum pressure on the Chinese Authorities so as to enable Mr. Li s immediate release and safe return to the United States.
If Mr. Li is rescued the American people will benefit.

Yours Sincerely
[name omitted]

PS: Until now 569 Falun Gong practitioners have been tortured to death by the Chinese police. This is only the top of the iceberg of the Jiang regime's persecution of Falun Gong.

Attached: Letter from US Senator Diane Feinstein dated February 7th, 2003
