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Over Twenty Dafa Practitioners from Anlu City, Hubei Province Sent to Shayang Forced Labor Camp

Feb. 19, 2003


The police in Anlu City, Hubei Province illegally arrested the following Dafa Practitioners: Tang Chuanlian, Wang Jiafen (female), Wang Si, Yang Heping, Zhuo Benming, Wang Guihua (female), Mao Cuilian (female), Huang Yanmei (female), Huang Lixia (female), Peng Wenming, Zhang Haifeng, Yang Cuifang (female), Yu Yuqing (female).

Those sentenced to Shayang Forced Labor Camp include Zhang Haifeng, Wang Si, Tang Chuanlian, Li Aihua (female), Huang Yanmei, Yang Cuifang, and Yu Yuqing. From the National Day holidays until the start of the Sixteenth People's Congress, the Dafa practitioners arrested were all illegally sentenced to labor camps, with over 20 being sent to Shayang. Anlu Police injected a drug into those who could not be sentenced and then sent them to Shayang anyway. Only three people returned home. Huang Lixia was sent to the Wuhan Brainwashing Center for a second term.

Kong Jinghong escaped the illegal arrest and persecution on October 30, and proceeded to appeal on Tiananmen Square. He was arrested in Beijing and is currently being detained in the Sili Detention Center. He has been on a hunger strike for 20 days and his life is in danger. Presently, he is in solitary confinement and under constant guard.

Persecutors at Anlu:

Political and Judiciary Committee: Yang (secretary)
610: Li Mingchu, Tu Yadong.
Public Security Bureau Chief: Yang Shaorong, (replacement)
Public Security Bureau Section Chief: Tang Jianguo, Zhong Xinde
Public Security Bureau Police: Li Ning, Chen Xinyun, Chen Xiudong
Sili Detention Center: Liu Ningguang, Yang Junlian, Instructor Zhang, Cadre Yue