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A Letter from Dafa Practitioner Lin Shenli to His Younger Brother Lin Mingli in a Forced Labor Camp

Feb. 2, 2003


January 25, 2003

Hello, Mingli

Although we are ten thousand miles apart, my concern for your safety has not been forgotten at any moment. Every day, news from China about the brutal beatings and tortures that practitioners bear in forced labor camps always reminds me of you, and my mind hasn't calmed down for a long time.

I heard the news that you began a hunger strike in the labor camp to protest their secretly arresting you, and that they injured your esophagus during force-feeding, leaving you unable to drink and eat. How are you now? What have you been going through? The cases of practitioners dying during force-feeding have happened countrywide. I am very worried about you, since I was persecuted in the labor camp for two years and I cannot bear to recall the sufferings I went through.

I have written to you but never heard from you. The letters must be withheld by the police, just like before, when I was detained in the labor camp. Have we done anything wrong? I have been thinking about it over and over for more than three years, from the time I was detained illegally in the labor camp until today. We didn't do anything wrong. We all chose the most righteous path -- cultivating "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance" as Falun Gong practitioners, from different fields and different social strata. We are all trying to be good people based on the principle of "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance." In order to bring a wonderful future to people, we risk losing everything to step forward to clarify the truth to the people and the government. Even when persecuted in labor camps, Falun Gong practitioners are still thinking how to save sentient beings.

From the beginning of my cultivation and through my persecution in the labor camp, I have never wavered and never regretted. It's the honor of my lifetime for me to safeguard Dafa and to validate Dafa. I am proud of you for what you have done in validating Dafa. Although many fellow practitioners are still being persecuted and Dafa is still being slandered, I truly believe the principle that evil can never overpower righteousness, because the origins of all living beings are from "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance." Kindness is the nature of living beings. Truth and Righteousness can never be defeated.

I hope we both do our best to validate Dafa and do what we should do to bring a good future to more beings.

Happy New Year!
