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Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Guo Xiaohui of Langfang City, Hebei Province, Is Being Persecuted

Feb. 20, 2003 |   By a practitioner from Hebei Province who had to leave home to avoid persecution

(Clearwisdom.net) Ms. Guo Xiaohui, is a 42- year-old university graduate from Langfang City, Hebei Province and an employee of the Institute of Design, at China's Petroleum Pipe Bureau. She was arrested many times by the local police for going to Beijing to appeal for Falun Dafa, talking to people about the truth of Falun Dafa, exposing the lies of the Jiang regime and distributing truth-clarifying materials. To avoid further persecution she was forced to leave home sometime in the first half of 2000 and move from place to place. In order to arrest her, the local police attempted to force her husband Li Jianzhong, from the same company, to tell them her whereabouts. When Li refused, they sentenced him to two years in a forced labor camp. When he was released, the police continued to threaten him, saying that if Xiaohui got in touch with him, he had to report it to the police right away, or else he would be arrested again.

As soon as Guo Xiaohui went to Tangshan City, the police monitored her cell phone 24 hours a day and all her conversations with her relatives. The Tangshan City police also put secret agents near the public phone booth that she used repeatedly. She called home on her mother's birthday and the police immediately appeared. The persecution by Jiang's regime made her realise the true nature of the evil and that she should do more to clarify the facts of Falun Gong to save those people that have been poisoned. Since 2000, she has become a target of the Ministry of National Security, the Ministry of Public Security and Hebei Province Public Security Department.

In Tangshan City in November 2002, practitioners managed to hang up 30 loudspeakers to broadcast the truth of Falun Gong to the public. (Minghui Net reported this). Believing that Xiaohui recorded the tape, the Tangshan City government put out 300,000 Yuan (Translator's note: Chinese currency. An average urban worker's monthly wage is around 500 Yuan) cash bounty for her arrest, claiming that they would "dig the ground as deep as 3 feet to find her." The police posted Xiaohui's and two other practitioners' pictures in places where they thought Xiaohui frequented and launched a blanket search.

On January 12, 2003, policeman Gao Yuchen and another policeman (name unknown) from Xiyao Police Station, Lubei Subdivision of Tangshan City Public Security Bureau found Xiaohui's temporary residence, which was also used by two other practitioners to produce Falun Dafa materials. Because one of the practitioners couldn't remain calm and was taken advantaged by the evil, Xiaohui and An Zhenjie were arrested while the other practitioner, Zhang Yunping, escaped.

Currently the relatives of Guo Xiaohui and An Zhenjie's have not heard from any government departments regarding their whereabouts.

Zhang Yunping is an employee of Cafeteria, Department of Administration and Benefits, Tangshan City Steel & Iron Group Limited.

Department Head:
Sun Zhaofeng, 86-315-2702626

610 representative of the Department and Party Secretary
Zheng Wu, 86-315-2702552

Police involved in arresting Guo Xiaohui

Head of No.1 Department of Langfang City Public Security Bureau, Hebei Province
Yang Hua, Tian Guangxing, Yan Zheng

February 10, 2003