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Canadian Government Officials Congratulate the Release of Mrs. Yang Yueli through Successful Rescue Efforts

Feb. 22, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net) Recently, Zhendong Yang's mother Yueli Yang was released from a labor camp in China due to the rescue efforts of the Canadian goverment and Falun Gong practitioners. Canadian government officials congratulate the success of the rescue efforts and express their continuing support for Falun Gong. Those government officials include the Canadian Prime Minister, Members of Parliament, the Consul General of the Canadian Consulate General in China, and provincial members of the House of Representatives.

Below are some of the congratulation letters.

1. Congratulations from Mr. Keith Mayer, the Executive Correspondence Officer, on behalf of the Prime Minister

Dear Mr. Yang:

On behalf of the Right Honourable Jean Chrétien, I would like to thank you for your recent e-mail.

Please be assured that the statements you made have been carefully reviewed. I have taken the liberty of forwarding your e-mail to the Honourable Bill Graham, Minister of Foreign Affairs, so that he too may be made aware of your good news, as well as your continuing interest in the Falun Gong movement. I thank you again for writing, and I extend warm wishes to you and your family.

K. Mayer

Executive Correspondence Officer

Agente de correspondance

de la haute direction

2. Congratulations from Mr. Jim Feir, the Consul General of the Canadian Consulate General in China

Dear Mr. Yang:

Thank you for sharing your happy news with me.


Jim Feir
Consul General/Consul Général
Canadian Consulate General/Consulat général du Canada
Suite 801, China Hotel Office Tower/
Tour de l'H tel China, bureau 801
Liu Hua Lu, Guangzhou 510015
People's Republic of China/République populaire de Chine

Tel/Tél (8620) 8666-0569
Fax/Téléc (8620) 8667-2401

3. Congratulations from MP Keith Martin

Dear Mr.Yang,

Thank you very much for sending me the wonderful news about your mother.

I am extremely pleased that she has been released from the labour camp. Please be assured that I will continue to fight against human rights abuses in China, as the status quo is not in the people's best interest.

Please give my kindest regards to your mother, and again, I am happy for her, you and your family.


Dr. Keith Martin, M.P.

Esquimalt-Juan de Fuca

4. Congratulations from MPP Dr. Marie Bountrogianni:

Dear Mr Yang,

I am very happy for you and your mother. I would like to meet her some time.


Dr.Marie Bountrogianni

5. Congratulations from MPP George Smitherman

Your personal story touches me deeply. Thank you for writing to me. I will continue to support Falun Gong practioners.

GS George Smitherman, MPP Toronto Centre-Rosedale

6. Congratulations from MP Val Meredith:

Dear Mr. Yang:

This will acknowledge receipt of your February 9, 2003 email regarding your Mom.

I will continue to help in what little way I can to improve the situation in China with regards to the treatment of Falun Gong practitioners.


Val Meredith, MP
South Surrey-White Rock-Langley

7. Congratulations from MP Bill Blaikie:

Dear Charles,

Thank you for the news about your mother. Glad to be of some assistance.


Bill Blaikie, MP

8. Congratulations from MPP Bob Wood:

Dear Mr. Yang:

Thank you for your recent letter. I am pleased that things are looking up for your mother. Please continue to keep me posted.


Bob Wood, MPP
London West


Diane Scharf.

