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73-Year-Old Astronautics Scientist Ren Hanfen is Persecuted to Death for Upholding Her Belief in Falun Dafa

Feb. 22, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net) Dafa practitioner Ren Hanfen, female, 73 years old, lived in the residential area of the China Academy of Launching Technology, Fengtai District, Beijing. In the 1950s she returned to her home country after her studies in Russia. She had always devoted herself to national astronautics science research and attained many achievements. She had been a doctoral mentor and a scientist in the Rocket Dynamics Institute of the China Academy of Launching Technology. Because she enjoyed physical and mental benefits from Dafa cultivation according to the universal principle, "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance," she was determined to practice Falun Gong, even after July 20, 1999, the date Jiang's regime began persecuting the practice. She was forced to attend a brainwashing class by the police in charge of the Rocket Dynamics Institute and from the "610 Office" of the China Academy of Launching Technology. There, she suffered inhumane tortures both in mind and body, and was forced to write the so-called "three statements." She was steadfast and was not released even after the brainwashing term was over. Her detention term was extended, open-ended. Eventually, she signed the statements against her own will. After coming back home, she was very repentant. She decided to cultivate Dafa, even in the face of death. In order to avoid harassment from the secret police, she had to leave home and move from place to place.

But the officials from the police department and the "610 Office" tried to search for and arrest her. One day in May 2002, they found her in the house she rented. In order to avoid being kidnapped again, she tethered a rope and tried to slide down from the building. Unfortunately, the rope broke and she fell to the ground and lost her life. Afterwards, the vicious gang blocked the news. Li Guangya, Party Secretary of the China Academy of Launching Technology, and Wu Zhongren, secretary of the Disciplinary Committee, boasted of their experience and achievements in "reforming" Falun Gong practitioners in a summing-up meeting at the academy. They even shifted the responsibility for Ren Hanfen's death to Falun Gong. They have chosen to follow Jiang's regime to its dead end. It is despicable and doleful. We hope that all wise people will see through the evil essence of Jiang's regime.


"Three statements" are documents coerced under extreme pressure, torture and brainwashing, designed by Chinese authorities to ensure that detained Falun Gong practitioners be appropriately brainwashed. The statements consist of a letter of repentance, a guarantee to never again practice Falun Gong, and a list containing names and addresses of all family, friends and acquaintances of the detainee who practices Falun Gong. This system was concocted by the "610" office.

"610 Office" is an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems.